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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Phaeocryptopus nudus (Peck) Petr., Annls mycol. 36(1): 15 (1938)

Asterina nuda Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. St. Mus. nat. Hist. 38: 102 (1885)
Asterella nuda (Peck) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 9: 397 (1891)
Cryptopus nudus (Peck) Theiss., Annls mycol. 12(1): 73 (1914)
Adelopus nudus (Peck) Theiss. ex Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 127(8-9): 619 (1918)

Meliola balsamicola Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. St. Mus. nat. Hist. 34: 52 (1883)
Zukalia balsamicola (Peck) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 9: 432 (1891)
Dimerosporium balsamicola (Peck) Ellis & Everh., N. Amer. Pyren. (Newfield): 728 (1892)
Cryptopus balsamicola (Peck) Theiss., Annls mycol. 14(6): 407 (1917)
Adelopus balsamicola (Peck) Theiss., Annls mycol. 15(6): 482 (1918)
Asterina balsamicola (Peck) Trotter, Syll. fung. (Abellini) 24(2): 1381 (1928)
Dimeriella balsamicola (Peck) Petr., in Terrier, Ber. schweiz. bot. Ges. 57: 167 (1947)
Dimerium balsamicola (Peck) Shoemaker, Can. J. Bot. 43: 632 (1965)

Phaeocryptopus abietis Naumov, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 30(3): 424 (1915)

Position in classification:
Capnodiaceae, Capnodiales, Dothideomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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