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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Dentiscutata heterogama (T.H. Nicolson & Gerd.) Sieverd., F.A. Souza & Oehl, Mycotaxon 106: 342 (2009)

Endogone heterogama T.H. Nicolson & Gerd., Mycologia 60(2): 319 (1968)
Gigaspora heterogama (T.H. Nicolson & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 31 (1974)
Scutellospora heterogama (T.H. Nicolson & Gerd.) C. Walker & F.E. Sanders, Mycotaxon 27: 180 (1986)

Position in classification:
Gigasporaceae, Diversisporales, Incertae sedis, Glomeromycetes, Glomeromycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Walker & Schüßler (2019)

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