Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Collema phyllocarpum Pers., in Gaudichaud-Beaupré in Freycinet, Voy. Uranie., Bot. (Paris) 4: 204 (1827)

Homotypic synonyms:
Leptogium bullatum f. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 165 (1882)
Leptogium bullatum var. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 165 (1882)
Leptogium phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 10: 134 (1848)
Leptogium phyllocarpum f. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 10: 134 (1848)
Leptogium phyllocarpum var. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 10: 134 (1848)
Stephanophorus phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont., [as 'phyllocarpus'], in Gay, Hist. fis. y polit. Chile, Bot. 8: 221 (1852)
Stephanophorus phyllocarpum var. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Stizenb., Ber. Tät. St Gall. naturw. Ges.: 123 (1890)

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