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Pages: 1 of 50 records. TofP BofP

Pithomyces africanus M.B. Ellis (1960); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces alabamensis (Matsush.) P.M. Kirk (1983); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces arecastri X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces atro-olivaceus (Cooke & Harkn.) M.B. Ellis (1960), (= Pseudopithomyces atro-olivaceus); Didymosphaeriaceae
Pithomyces bulbilus Satya (1975); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces caryotae Wanas., S. Kaewchai, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde (2018); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces cateniformis X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces chartarum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) M.B. Ellis (1960), (= Pseudopithomyces chartarum); Didymosphaeriaceae
Pithomyces cinnamomeus Hol.-Jech. (1984); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces clavisporopsis X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2003); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces clavisporus Morgan-Jones (1987); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces cupaniae (Syd.) M.B. Ellis (1960); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces cynodontis M.B. Ellis (1965); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces dimorphosporus Gusmão, J.S. Monteiro & R.F. Castañeda (2017); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces divaricatus Narayan & Kamal (1986); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces djbhatii Manohar., Kunwar & N.K. Rao (2006); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces elaeidicola M.B. Ellis (1960); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces ellipticus X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces ellisii V.G. Rao & Chary (1972); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces flavus Berk. & Broome (1873); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces funiculosus M.E. Palm, E.L. Stewart & Rossman (1979); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces gladioli X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2003); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces graminicola R.Y. Roy & B. Rai (1968); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces helminthosporioides X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces hyalosporus M. Niranjan & V.V. Sarma (2020); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces karoo Marasas & I.H. Schum. (1972), (= Pseudopithomyces karoo); Didymosphaeriaceae
Pithomyces leprosus Piroz. (1972); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces licualae Wanas., E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde (2018); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces longiclavisporus H.M. Liu & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces longipes X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces maydicus (Sacc.) M.B. Ellis (1960), (= Pseudopithomyces maydicus); Didymosphaeriaceae
Pithomyces musae X.G. Zhang & Y.M. Wu (2003); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces niger Mercado & J. Mena (1986); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces obpyriformis X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces obscuriseptatus Matsush. (1993); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces pallidus H.M. Liu & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) M.E. Palm, E.L. Stewart & Rossman (1981); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces prolatus Hol.-Jech. & R.F. Castañeda (1986); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces pulvinatus (Cooke & Massee) M.B. Ellis (1965); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces quadratus (G.F. Atk.) M.B. Ellis (1960); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces sacchari (Speg.) M.B. Ellis (1960), (= Pseudopithomyces sacchari); Didymosphaeriaceae
Pithomyces saccharicola X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2003); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces sivaramaprasadii N.K. Rao & Manohar. (1988); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces subramanianii G.V. Rao & A.P. Reddy (1978); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces sumiderensis Hol.-Jech. (1986); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces taiwanensis Matsush. (1987); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces terricola (Manohar. & P.Rama Rao) P.M. Kirk (1983); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces trachelospermi X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces valparadisiacus (Speg.) P.M. Kirk (1983); Astrosphaeriellaceae
Pithomyces variegatae X.G. Zhang & T.Y. Zhang (2007); Astrosphaeriellaceae

Pages: 1 of 50 records. TofP BofP