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Pages: 1 of 34 records. TofP BofP

Boletopsis atrata Ryvarden (1982); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis bresadolae (Quél.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus bresadolae); Suillaceae
Boletopsis cavipes (Klotzsch) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus cavipes); Suillaceae
Boletopsis corrugata Pat. & C.F. Baker (1918), (= Pulveroboletus corrugatus); Boletaceae
Boletopsis elegans (P. Karst.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus grevillei); Suillaceae
Boletopsis flava (Quél.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus flavus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis flavida (Fr.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus flavidus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis fulvescens Smotl. (1912), (= Suillus tridentinus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis grisea (Peck) Bondartsev & Singer (1941); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis icterina Pat. & C.F. Baker (1918), (= Pulveroboletus icterinus); Boletaceae
Boletopsis larigna (Britzelm.) Singer (1922), (= Suillus serotinus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis leucomelaena (Pers.) Fayod (1889); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis leucomelaena var. grisea (Peck) Maire (1937), (= Boletopsis grisea); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis lutea (L.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus luteus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis macrocarpa Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & H.M. Zhou (2022); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis mediterraneensis G. Moreno, Carlavilla, Bellanger, Olariaga, P.-A. Moreau, Bidaud, Loizides & Manjón (2019); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis nothofagi J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2012); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis perplexa Watling & Jer. Milne (2006), (= Boletopsis watlingii); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis plorans (Rolland) Mig. (1912), (= Suillus plorans); Suillaceae
Boletopsis pulchella (Fr.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus flavidus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis rufa (Schaeff.) Henn. (1898), (= Leccinum aurantiacum); Boletaceae
Boletopsis salmonicolor (Frost) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus salmonicolor); Suillaceae
Boletopsis serotina (Frost) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus serotinus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis singaporensis Pat. & C.F. Baker (1918), (= Boletellus singaporensis); Boletaceae
Boletopsis smithii K.A. Harrison (1975); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis sordida Beck (1923), (= Suillus viscidus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis squalida (Fr.) Beck (1923), (= Suillus variegatus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis staudtii Henn. (1898); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis subcitrina Corner (1989), (= Corneroporus subcitrinus); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis subsquamosa (L.) Kotl. & Pouzar (1957); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis tibetana Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & H.M. Zhou (2022); Bankeraceae
Boletopsis tridentina (Bres.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus tridentinus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis viscida (L.) Henn. (1898), (= Suillus viscidus); Suillaceae
Boletopsis watlingii Blanco-Dios (2018); Bankeraceae

Pages: 1 of 34 records. TofP BofP