Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Amerosporium atrum (Fuckel) Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 124: 114 (1915)

Chaetomella atra Fuckel, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 402 (1870) [1869-70]
Chaetomella atra * lignicola Sacc., Michelia 1(no. 1): 97 (1877)
Chaetomella atra f. charticola Tassi, Bulletin Labor. Orto Bot. de R. Univ. Siena 3: 18 (1900)
Chaetomella atra subsp. lignicola Sacc., Michelia 1(no. 1): 97 (1877)
Chaetomella atra var. bambusina Sacc. & Scalia, Flora Myc. Lusitan. 12: 9 (1903)
Chaetomella atra var. compositarum Gonz. Frag., Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat., Ser. Bot. 10: 139 (1916)
Chaetomella atra var. cyperi Canonaco, Boll. Stud. Inform. R. Giard, Colon. Palermo 14: 15 [repr.] (1936)
Chaetomella lignicola (Sacc.) Mussat, in Saccardo, Syll. fung. (Abellini) 15: 85 (1901)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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