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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Peridermium elephantopodis (Schwein.) Hedgc. & G. Hahn, Mycologia 12(4): 190 (1920)

Uredo elephantopodis Schwein., Schr. naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1: 70 [44 of repr.] (1822)
Caeoma elephantopodis (Schwein.) Link, in Willdenow, Sp. pl., Edn 4 6(2): 20 (1825)
Coleosporium elephantopodis (Schwein.) Thüm., Mycoth. Univ., cent. 10: no. 953 (1878)
Stichopsora elephantopodis (Schwein.) Dietel [as 'elephantopi'], Hedwigia 42(Beibl.): (181) (1903)

Position in classification:
Cronartiaceae, Pucciniales, Incertae sedis, Pucciniomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2024)

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