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Pages: 1 of 14 records. TofP BofP

Acanthophysellum bertii (Lloyd) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000), (= Aleurodiscus burtii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum bisporum (Boidin & Lanq.) Boidin & Gilles (2002), (= Acanthophysium bisporum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum buxicola (Boidin & Lanq.) Boidin & Gilles (2002), (= Acanthophysium buxicola); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum canadense (Skolko) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum cerussatum (Bres.) Parmasto (1967), (= Aleurodiscus cerussatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum cerussatum var. lapponicum (Litsch.) Parmasto (1967), (= Aleurodiscus lapponicus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum dextrinoideocerussatum (Manjón, M.N. Blanco & G. Moreno) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000), (= Aleurodiscus dextrinoideocerussatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum fennicum (Laurila) Bernicchia & Gorjón (2010); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum lapponicum (Litsch.) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000), (= Aleurodiscus lapponicus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum (P. Karst.) Parmasto (1967); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum mesaverdense (Lindsey) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000), (= Aleurodiscus mesaverdensis); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum minor (Pilát) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum propinquum (Boidin & Gilles) Boidin & Gilles (2002); Stereaceae
Acanthophysellum verecundum Duhem (2001); Stereaceae

Pages: 1 of 14 records. TofP BofP