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Pages: 1 of 48 records. TofP BofP

Acanthophysium aberrans (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus aberrans); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium abietis (H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) Ginns & M.N.L. Lefebvre (1993), (= Aleurodiscus abietis); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium acerinum (Pers.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Dendrothele acerina); Agaricales
Acanthophysium ahmadii (Boidin) Boidin (1986), (= Acanthofungus ahmadii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium apricans (Bourdot) G. Cunn. (1963); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium aurantium (Pers.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus aurantius); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium australiense (Wakef.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus australiensis); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium berggrenii (Cooke) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus berggrenii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium bertii (Lloyd) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus burtii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium biapiculatum G. Cunn. (1963), (= Dendrothele biapiculata); Agaricales
Acanthophysium bisporum Boidin & Lanq. (1986); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium botryosum (Burt) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus botryosus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium buxicola Boidin & Lanq. (1986); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium canadense (Skolko) Parmasto (1967), (= Acanthophysellum canadense); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium candidum (Schwein.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Dendrothele candida); Agaricales
Acanthophysium cerussatum (Bres.) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus cerussatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium cerussatum var. lapponicum (Litsch.) Parmasto (1967), (= Aleurodiscus lapponicus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium coralloides (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus coralloides); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium coronatum (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus coronatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium delicatum (Wakef.) Parmasto (1967), (= Acanthobasidium delicatum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium dendroideum (Ginns) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus dendroideus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium dextrinoideocerussatum (Manjón, M.N. Blanco & G. Moreno) Tellería (1993), (= Aleurodiscus dextrinoideocerussatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium diffissum (Sacc.) Parmasto (1967), (= Megalocystidium diffissum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium farlowii (Burt) Ginns & M.N.L. Lefebvre (1993), (= Aleurodiscus farlowii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium fasciculatum G. Cunn. (1963), (= Epithele fasciculata); Polyporaceae
Acanthophysium fennicum (Laurila) Parmasto (1967), (= Acanthophysellum fennicum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium fruticetorum (W.B. Cooke) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus fruticetorum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium lapponicum (Litsch.) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus lapponicus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium laurentianum (H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) Parmasto (1967), (= Aleurodiscus laurentianus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium lividocoeruleum (P. Karst.) Boidin (1986), (= Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium ljubarskii (Parmasto) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus ljubarskii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium macrocystidiatum (P.A. Lemke) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus macrocystidiatus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium mesaverdense (Lindsey) Boidin (1990), (= Aleurodiscus mesaverdensis); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium minor (Pilát) Tellería (1991), (= Acanthophysellum minor); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium mirabile (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Parmasto (1967), (= Gloeosoma mirabile); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium moniliferum (Malençon) Boidin (1986), (= Neoaleurodiscus monilifer); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium nivosum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Dendrothele nivosa); Agaricales
Acanthophysium oakesii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Parmasto (1967); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium penicillatum (Burt) Parmasto (1967), (= Acanthobasidium penicillatum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium piceinum (E.M. Lyon & P.A. Lemke) Ginns & M.N.L. Lefebvre (1993), (= Aleurodiscus piceinus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium propinquum Boidin & Gilles (1986), (= Acanthophysellum propinquum); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium pulvinatum G. Cunn. (1963), (= Dendrothele pulvinata); Agaricales
Acanthophysium sparsum (Berk.) G. Cunn. (1963), (= Aleurodiscus sparsus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium spinigerum (D.P. Rogers & P.A. Lemke) Parmasto (1967), (= Aleurodiscus spiniger); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium succineum (Bres.) Boidin (1986), (= Aleurodiscus succineus); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium thoenii Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles (1986), (= Xylobolus thoenii); Stereaceae
Acanthophysium tsugae (Yasuda) Parmasto (1965), (= Aleurocystidiellum tsugae); Russulales
Acanthophysium weirii (Burt) Parmasto (1967), (= Acanthobasidium weirii); Stereaceae

Pages: 1 of 48 records. TofP BofP