Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 35 records. TofP BofP

Chlorophyllum abruptibulbum (R. Heim) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum africanum Z.W. Ge & A. Jacobs (2018); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum alborubescens (Hongo) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum arizonicum (Shear & Griffiths) G. Moreno & Altés (2015); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum bharatense Sathe & S.M. Kulk. (1981); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum brunneum (Farl. & Burt) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum demangei (Pat.) Z.W. Ge & Zhu L. Yang (2018); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum esculentum Massee (1898), (= Chlorophyllum molybdites); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum globosum (Mossebo) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum hortense (Murrill) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum humei (Murrill) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum levantinum Loizides, P. Alvarado & Konstantinou (2020); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum lusitanicum G. Moreno, Muñ.-Moh., Manjón, Carlavilla & Altés (2015); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum madagascariense (L.M. Dufour) Heinem. (1968); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum mammillatum (Murrill) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee (1898); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum molybdites var. congolense (Beeli) Heinem. (1967), (= Chlorophyllum molybdites); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum molybdites var. luteolosperma Singer (1948), (= Chlorophyllum molybdites); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum molybdites var. marginatus (A.H. Sm.) D.A. Reid & Eicker (1991), (= Chlorophyllum molybdites); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum morganii (Peck) Massee (1898); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum neomastoideum (Hongo) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum nothorhacodes Vellinga & Lepp (2003); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum olivieri (Barla) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum palaeotropicum Z.W. Ge & A. Jacobs (2018); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum pseudoglobosum J. Sarkar, A.K. Dutta & K. Acharya (2015); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Vittad.) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum sapukai Maubet, Campi & Robledo (2022); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum shimogaense Sathe & S.M. Kulk. (1981); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum sphaerosporum Z.W. Ge & Zhu L. Yang (2006); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum squamulosum A.K. Dutta, Soumili Bera & K. Acharya (2020); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum subfulvidiscum (Murrill) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum subrhacodes (Murrill) Vellinga (2002); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum venenatum (Bon) C. Lange & Vellinga (2004), (= Macrolepiota venenata); Agaricaceae
Chlorophyllum viride (Pat.) Murrill (1910), (= Phaeoclavulina viridis); Gomphaceae

Pages: 1 of 35 records. TofP BofP