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Pages: 1 of 155 records. TofP BofP

Ciboria acericola J.W. Groves & M.E. Elliott (1961); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria acerina Whetzel & N.F. Buchw. (1936); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria acerina Whetzel & N.F. Buchw. ex J.W. Groves & M.E. Elliott (1961); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria acicola Kirschst. (1906); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria aestivalis (Pollock) Whetzel (1935); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria alnetorum Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria alni (Maul) Whetzel (1945); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria alni N.F. Buchw. (1947); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria amentacea (Balb.) Fuckel (1870); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria amenti (Batsch) Whetzel (1945), (= Cyathicula amenti); Helotiaceae
Ciboria amenticola (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907), (= Ciboria viridifusca); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria americana E.J. Durand (1902); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria annae Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria argentinensis Speg. (1909); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria armeriae Höhn. (1918); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria aschersoniana (Henn. & Plöttn.) Whetzel (1945); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria asphodeli Duvernoy & Maire (1928), (= Rutstroemia asphodeli); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria batschiana (Zopf) N.F. Buchw. (1947); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria betulae (Woronin) W.L. White (1941); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria betulicola J.W. Groves & M.E. Elliott (1961); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria blanda Svrček (1958); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria bolaris (Batsch) Fuckel (1870), (= Rutstroemia bolaris); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria bolaris var. explanata (Holmsk.) Fuckel (1870), (= Rutstroemia bolaris); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria brockesiae (Henn.) Höhn. (1911); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria broomei (W. Phillips) Boud. (1907), (= Hymenoscyphus subferrugineus); Helotiaceae
Ciboria brunneorufa Bres. (1903); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria bulgarioides (Kalchbr.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria bulgarioides (P. Karst.) Baral (1985), (= Rutstroemia bulgarioides); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria caespitosa Seaver (1925); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria calathicola (Rehm) Rehm (1893), (= Cyathicula calathicola); Helotiaceae
Ciboria calopus (Fr.) Sacc. (1889), (= Rutstroemia calopus); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria calyculus (Batsch) Hengstm. (1982); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria carbonaria Feltgen (1903); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria carpini (Batsch) Whetzel (1945), (= Hymenoscyphus carpini); Helotiaceae
Ciboria carunculoides (Siegler & Jenkins) Whetzel (1945); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria caucus (Rebent.) Fuckel (1870); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria cerea Rick (1931), (= Hymenoscyphus cereus); Helotiaceae
Ciboria chlorophana (M. Rousseau ex De Not.) Sacc. (1889), (= Chlorosplenium chlorophanum); Chlorospleniaceae
Ciboria ciliatospora Fuckel (1870), (= Hymenoscyphus scutula); Helotiaceae
Ciboria ciliatospora var. minor Sacc. & Berl. (1889), (= Hymenoscyphus scutula); Helotiaceae
Ciboria cistophila R. Galán, Raitv. & J.T. Palmer (1996); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria conformata (P. Karst.) Svrček (1982), (= Rutstroemia conformata); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria coracina (Durieu & Lév.) Boud. (1907), (= Rutstroemia coracina); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria coryli (Schellenb.) N.F. Buchw. (1943); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria dallasiana Ellis & Everh. (1903); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria dumbirensis (Velen.) Spooner (1988), (= Tatraea dumbirensis); Helotiaceae
Ciboria echinophila (Bull.) Sacc. (1889), (= Lanzia echinophila); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Sacc. (1928), (= Rutstroemia elatina); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria elatina var. acicola Höhn. (1914), (= Rutstroemia elatina); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria fagi Jaap (1910), (= Pezizella fagi); Pezizellaceae
Ciboria ferulae Raitv. (1969); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria firma (Pers.) Fuckel (1870), (= Rutstroemia firma); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria firma var. acuum Feltgen (1903), (= Rutstroemia firma); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria friesii (Pers.) Sacc. (1889), (= Hymenoscyphus friesii); Helotiaceae
Ciboria friesii subsp. tenella (P. Karst.) Mussat (1901), (= Sclerotinia tenella); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria fructicola G. Winter (1883), (= Monilinia fructicola); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria fructigena (Bull.) Killerm. (1935), (= Hymenoscyphus fructigenus); Helotiaceae
Ciboria fruticeti (Rehm) Sacc. (1895), (= Tympanis vagabunda); Tympanidaceae
Ciboria fuscocinerea Rehm (1909); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria fusispora Spooner (1987); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria glaucescens (Penz. & Sacc.) W.Y. Zhuang & Zheng Wang (1997); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria glumiseda Höhn. (1915); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria gordonii A. Funk (1986); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria gracilipes (P. Karst.) Sacc. (1889), (= Rutstroemia gracilipes); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria granigena (Quél.) N.F. Buchw. (1949), (= Gloeotinia granigena); Helotiaceae
Ciboria guizhouensis W.Y. Zhuang (1994); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria hedwigiae (Kirschst.) Sacc. & Trotter (1913); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria helodina (Durieu & Lév.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria helotioides Höhn. (1918); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria henningsiana Plöttn. (1899), (= Rutstroemia henningsiana); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria hercynica Kirschst. (1935), (= Rutstroemia hercynica); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria hirtipes (Mouton & Sacc.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria horakii Svrček (1960); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria indeprensa (Bizz.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria johnsonii Ellis & Everh. (1894), (= Monilinia johnsonii); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria juglandis (Preuss) Sacc. (1889), (= Stromatinia juglandis); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria juncigena Ellis & Everh. (1894), (= Sclerotinia juncigena); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria junciseda Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria juncorum Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria kriegeriana (Rabenh.) Rehm (1883), (= Kriegeria kriegeriana); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria lathyri Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria latipes Holst-Jensen & T. Schumach. (1994); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria lignicola Ram N. Singh & D.C. Pant (1984); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria lilacina Boud. & Torrend (1911); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria linhartiana Prill. & Delacr. (1893), (= Monilinia linhartiana); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria livida (Alb. & Schwein.) Boud. (1907), (= Chlorencoelia versiformis); Cenangiaceae
Ciboria longipes Beeli ex E.K. Cash (1972); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria ludmilae Velen. (1947); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria luteovirescens (Roberge ex Desm.) Sacc. (1889), (= Lanzia luteovirescens); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria macilenta (P. Karst.) Sacc. (1889), (= Rutstroemia macilenta); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria macrospora Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria marasmiformis Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria minima Rick (1931); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria nyssigena (Ellis) Sacc. (1889), (= Sclerotinia nyssigena); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria ochracea (Berk. & Broome) Massee (1895), (= Lachnum pygmaeum); Lachnaceae
Ciboria ochroleuca (Bolton) Massee (1895), (= Rutstroemia firma); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria olivacea Rodway (1925), (= Chlorosplenium rodwayi); Chlorospleniaceae
Ciboria pachyderma Rehm (1893), (= Pycnopeziza pachyderma); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria paludum (Quél.) Rehm (1893), (= Ombrophila paludina); Gelatinodiscaceae
Ciboria pastinacae Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria peckiana (Cooke) Korf (1971), (= Tatraea macrospora); Helotiaceae
Ciboria peckiana f. gigaspora (Korf) Korf (1970), (= Tatraea macrospora); Helotiaceae
Ciboria peckiana f. novoguineense Spooner (1987), (= Tatraea macrospora); Helotiaceae
Ciboria petiolorum (Roberge ex Desm.) J. Schröt. (1893), (= Rutstroemia petiolorum); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria phascoides (Fr.) Rehm (1893), (= Bryoscyphus phascoides); Helotiaceae
Ciboria picea Velen. (1947); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria pigaliana (Sacc.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria ploettneriana (Kirschst.) N.F. Buchw. (1949); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria polygoni (Rehm) N.F. Buchw. (1949); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria polygoni-vivipari Eckblad (1969); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria poronioides Speg. (1898); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria pseudotuberosa Rehm (1872), (= Ciboria batschiana); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria pygmaea (Fr.) Rehm (1893), (= Lachnum pygmaeum); Lachnaceae
Ciboria ramealis Vacek (1949); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria ranikhetiensis Ram N. Singh & D.C. Pant (1984); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria rava Svrček (1989); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria renispora (Ellis) Sacc. (1889), (= Hymenoscyphus renisporus); Helotiaceae
Ciboria rhizophila (Fuckel) Fuckel (1870), (= Hymenoscyphus rhizophilus); Helotiaceae
Ciboria rufescens Kanouse (1941), (= Hymenoscyphus rufescens); Helotiaceae
Ciboria rufofusca (O. Weberb.) Sacc. (1889); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria salmonea Raitv. & H.D. Shin (2003); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria scoparia Rehm (1910); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria seminicola (Kienholz & E.K. Cash) Hechler (1992); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria sessilis Starbäck (1904); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria shiraiana (Henn.) Whetzel (1945); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria solitaria Rehm (1900); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria squamarum Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria statices Rehm (1902); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria strigosa Rodway (1925), (= Hymenotorrendiella eucalypti); Helotiaceae
Ciboria strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Sacc. (1889), (= Rutstroemia bulgarioides); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria strobilina var. bresadolae Boud. (1909), (= Rutstroemia bulgarioides); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria subularis (Bull.) Sacc. (1889), (= Hymenoscyphus subularis); Helotiaceae
Ciboria subvillosula (Rehm) Svrček (1951), (= Pubigera subvillosula); Helotiales
Ciboria sulfurella (Ellis & Everh.) Rehm (1902); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria suspecta Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria sydowiana Rehm (1885), (= Rutstroemia sydowiana); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria temulenta (Prill. & Delacr.) Prill. & Delacr. (1893), (= Gloeotinia temulenta); Helotiaceae
Ciboria tenella (P. Karst.) Sacc. (1889), (= Sclerotinia tenella); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria tenuistipes J. Schröt. (1893); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria tiliae (J.M. Reade) N.F. Buchw. (1949); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria tremellosa Fuckel (1870), (= Rutstroemia tremellosa); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria tremulae Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria tropicalis Kanouse (1941), (= Lambertella tropicalis); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria tuzsoni Bánhegyi (1938); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria uliginosa (Fr.) Rehm (1893), (= Calycella uliginosa); Helotiaceae
Ciboria urnula (Weinm.) Sacc. (1889), (= Monilinia urnula); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria vacini Velen. (1947); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria velhaensis Henn. (1902), (= Hymenoscyphus velhaensis); Helotiaceae
Ciboria venceslai Velen. (1934); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria vernalis (Schumach.) Boud. (1907); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria versiforme Rodway (1925); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria viarum (Starbäck) Sacc. & P. Syd. (1902); Sclerotiniaceae
Ciboria violacea (Rehm) Sacc. (1895), (= Rutstroemia violacea); Rutstroemiaceae
Ciboria violascens (Rehm) Jaap (1910), (= Neobulgaria pura); Gelatinodiscaceae
Ciboria viridifusca (Fuckel) Höhn. (1926); Sclerotiniaceae

Pages: 1 of 155 records. TofP BofP