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Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP

Gongronella banzhaoae Y.P. Tan & Bishop-Hurley (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella brasiliensis C.A.F. de Souza, D.X. Lima & A.L. Santiago (2017); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella butleri (Lendn.) Peyronel & Dal Vesco (1955); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella chlamydospora H. Zhao, Y.C. Dai, Yuan Yuan & X.Y. Liu (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella eborensis M.R. Martins, C. Santos, C. Soares, Cl. Santos & N. Lima (2020); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella guangdongensis F. Liu, T.T. Liu & L. Cai (2015); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella hydei Doilom (2020); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella koreana Hyang B. Lee & T.T.T. Nguyen (2015); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella lacrispora Hesselt. & J.J. Ellis (1962); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella multiramosa Yi Xin Wang, H. Zhao & X.Y. Liu (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella multispora H. Zhao, Y.C. Dai, Yuan Yuan & X.Y. Liu (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella namwonensis Hyang B. Lee, A.L. Santiago & H.J. Lim (2020); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella oleae Yi Xin Wang, H. Zhao & X.Y (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella orasabula Hyang B. Lee, K. Voigt, P.M. Kirk & T.T.T. Nguyen (2016); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella pamphilae Y.P. Tan, Bishop-Hurley & R.G. Shivas (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella parvicollariata Yi Xin Wang, H. Zhao & X.Y (2023); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella pedratalhadensis L.W.S. Freitas, H.B. Lee & A.L. Santiago (2020); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella sichuanensis Z.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Han, W.H. Chen & Z.Q. Liang (2019); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella urceolifera Ribaldi (1952), (= Gongronella butleri); Cunninghamellaceae
Gongronella zunyiensis C.B. Dong, Y.F. Han & Z.Q. Liang (2019); Cunninghamellaceae

Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP