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Pages: 1 of 175 records. TofP BofP

Hohenbuehelia abietina Singer & Kuthan (1980); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia aciculospora R.H. Petersen (1985); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia alachuana (Murrill) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia albonigra (Pat.) Courtec. (1993), (= Resupinatus alboniger); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia algida (Fr.) Singer (1975), (= Resupinatus algidus); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia algonquinensis Consiglio, Setti & Thorn (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia amazonica Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia angustata (Berk.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia applicata (Batsch) Zerova (1979), (= Resupinatus applicatus); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia approximans (Peck) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia arata (Pat. & Demange) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea (Fr.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea f. portegna (Speg.) Singer (1952), (= Hohenbuehelia portegna); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea var. dendrocystis (M. Lange) Bon (1980), (= Resupinatus algidus); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea var. grisea (Peck) Thorn & G.L. Barron (1986), (= Hohenbuehelia grisea); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea var. mastrucata (Fr.) Krieglst. (2000), (= Hohenbuehelia mastrucata); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia atrolucida (Lloyd) Pegler (1983); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia aurantiocystis Pegler (1977); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium (Maire) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia austrocedri Fazio & Albertó (2001); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia barbatula (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Dennis (1970); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia bingarra Grgur. (1997); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia bonii A.M. Ainsw. (2016); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia boullardii Malaval, Bertéa & J.-L. Constant (2009); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia brunnea G. Stev. (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia bullulifera Singer (1952); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia bullulifera var. brasiliensis Corner (1994), (= Hohenbuehelia bullulifera); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia bursiformis (Berk.) D.A. Reid (1963), (= Conchomyces bursiformis); Agaricales
Hohenbuehelia calceola (Pat. & Demange) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia calongei Singer (1973); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia campinaranae Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia canadensis Consiglio, Setti & Thorn (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia canobrunnea Raithelh. (1990); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia carbonaria (Cooke & Massee) Pegler (1965), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia carlothornii Consiglio, Setti & Thorn (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia chevallieri (Pat.) Pegler (1966); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia cinereoalba (Pat. & Gaillard) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia clelandii Grgur. (1997); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia concentrica Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia concurrens (Drechsler) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia cubensis (Murrill) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia culmicola Bon (1980); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia culmicola Singer (1989), (= Hohenbuehelia singeriana); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis (Berk.) O.K. Mill. (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia cystidioides (Lloyd) Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia delasotae Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia dimorphocystis Singer (1969); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia espeletiae Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia faerberioides Padovan & Contu (2009); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia filicina Bulyonkova, Ageev & Kalinina (2023); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia flabelliformis Phonemany & Raspé (2023); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia fluxilis (Fr.) P.D. Orton (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia fluxilis var. grisea (Peck) P. Roux (2008), (= Hohenbuehelia grisea); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia geogenia sensu Rea (1922), (= Hohenbuehelia tremula); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia geogenia (DC.) Singer (1951), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia geogenia var. elassozoma Lib.-Barnes (1981), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia geogenia var. queletii Kühner (1953), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia geogenia var. queletii (Kühner) Courtec. & P. Roux (2008), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia grisea (Peck) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia grisea (Massee) E. Horak (1980), (= Hohenbuehelia horakii); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia griseipendens Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia griseipendens var. nonsatisfacta Corner (1994), (= Hohenbuehelia griseipendens); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia haptoclada (Drechsler) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia harmandii (Har. & Pat.) Singer (1951), (= Omphalotus guepiniiformis); Omphalotaceae
Hohenbuehelia heterosporica Donoso (1981); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia hobsonii (Berk.) Z.S. Bi (1987), (= Clitopilus hobsonii); Entolomataceae
Hohenbuehelia horakii Courtec. (1984); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia horrida (Boedijn) Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia hydrogeton Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia ilerdensis Courtec., Vila & Rocabruna (1999); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia incarnata Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia ingentimetuloidea X. He (1992); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia inversa (Kauffman & A.H. Sm.) O.K. Mill. (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia izonetae Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia josserandii Consiglio & Setti (2017); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia karrara Grgur. (1997); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia komarnitzkyi (Vassilkov) V. Vlasenko (2022); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia lageniformis Phonemany & Raspé (2023); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia lanceifera Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia latialis Angeli & Contu (2008); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia leightonii (Berk.) Watling (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia leightonii (Berk.) Watling ex Courtec. & P. Roux (2008); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia leiospora (Drechsler) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia leptospora (Drechsler) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia ligulata (E. Horak) J.A. Cooper (2014); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia lindtneri (Pilát) Spirin (2004), (= Lilaceophlebia tremelloidea); Meruliaceae
Hohenbuehelia lividula (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Neda & Yoshim. Doi (2000); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia longipes (Boud.) M.M. Moser (1955); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia longipes (Boud.) M.M. Moser (1967); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia longzhouensis L.L. Qi, Ning Lang & Yu Li (2023); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia luteohinnulea (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971), (= Tectella luteohinnulea); Mycenaceae
Hohenbuehelia luteola G. Stev. (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia malesiana Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia mastrucata (Fr.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia mellea Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia metuloidea (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia microspora (Speg.) Singer (1989), (= Hohenbuehelia grisea); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia minutissima Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia mustialensis (P. Karst.) Thorn (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia myxotricha (Lév.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia nigra (Schwein.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia nigra var. microspora Singer (1955), (= Hohenbuehelia singeri); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia nigra var. pileocystidiata Fazio & Albertó (1998), (= Hohenbuehelia nigra); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia nimueae Consiglio, Setti & Thorn (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia nothofaginea G. Stev. (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia odorata C.K. Pradeep & Bijeesh (2019); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia olivacea Yu Liu & T. Bau (2009); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pachyhyphata Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pachyhyphata var. minor Corner (1994), (= Hohenbuehelia pachyhyphata); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pahangensis Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia panelloides Høil. (1982); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia paraguayensis (Speg.) Singer (1952); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia parsonsiae G. Stev. (1964), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia patagonica Singer (1969); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pergelatinosa Singer (1977); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia perstriata Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides sensu NCL (1960) & sensu auct., (= Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides (Bull.) Schulzer (1866); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides var. amara E. Ludw. (2001), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides var. incrustatocystidiata Wichanský (1961), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides var. macrospora (Bon) Courtec. (1983), (= Hohenbuehelia bonii); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides var. macrospora (Bon) Courtec. (1985), (= Hohenbuehelia bonii); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia petaloides var. victoriensis (Speg.) Singer (1952), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia phalligera (Mont.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pinacearum Thorn (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pinicola Raithelh. (1984); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia podocarpinea G. Stev. (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia portegna (Speg.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pruinulosa (Pat. & Demange) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pseudocyphelliformis Consiglio & Setti (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pseudofaerberioides Consiglio, Brugaletta, Setti & Gennari (2020); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pseudopetaloides Consiglio & Setti (2017); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia pycnophylli Singer (1955); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia quadruplex Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia recedens Singer & Kuthan (1980); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia reniformis (G. Mey.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia repanda Huijsman (1961); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia rickenii Kühner (1954), (= Hohenbuehelia tremula); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia rickenii Kühner ex P.D. Orton (1960), (= Hohenbuehelia tremula); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia robusta (F.R. Jones) Consiglio, Setti & Thorn (2018); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia roigii Singer (1965); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia sciadium (Kalchbr. & MacOwan) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia semiinfundibuliformis (P. Karst.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia serotina (Pers.) Singer (1951), (= Sarcomyxa serotina); Sarcomyxaceae
Hohenbuehelia silvae-araucariae de Meijer (2009); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia silvana sensu Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 3: 163 (1995), (= Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia silvana (Sacc.) O.K. Mill. (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia singaporensis Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia singeri Albertó & Fazio (1998); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia singeriana Contu & Padovan (2009); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia spathulata (Pers.) Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia spatulina Huijsman (1962); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia spegazzinii Singer (1954); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia spegazzinii Singer (1969); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia spodoleuca (Berk. & Broome) Zmitr. & Spirin (2006), (= Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia squamula (Sacc.) Neda (2004); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia subbarbata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia subdiscipes Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia submastrucata (Henn.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia subreniformis (Thorn & G.L. Barron) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tenuissima (Schwein.) Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia testudo (Berk.) Pegler (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia testudo var. glabra Corner (1994), (= Hohenbuehelia testudo); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia thornii Consiglio & Setti (2017); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tomentosa J.Z. Xu (2023); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tremula (Schaeff.) Thorn & G.L. Barron (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tripolitania (Giuma & R.C. Cooke) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tristis G. Stev. (1964); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tropicalis Singer (1989); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia tylospora (Drechsler) Thorn (2013); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia unguicularis (Fr.) Zerova & Peresipkin (1979); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia unguicularis (Fr.) O.K. Mill. (1986); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia valesiaca (Ces. ex Sacc.) Singer (1951); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia vermiculata Corner (1994); Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia wilhelmii Consiglio & Setti (2017); Pleurotaceae

Pages: 1 of 175 records. TofP BofP