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Hypholoma acutum (Sacc.) E. Horak (1971); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma aequatoriae (Singer) Guzmán (1999), (= Deconica aequatoriae); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma agaves Maire (1928), (= Psathyrella agaves); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma aggregatum Peck (1894), (= Lacrymaria lacrymabunda); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma agrocyboides Raithelh. (1974), (= Stropharia agrocyboides); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma albosulphureum Pat. (1891), (= Stropharia albosulphurea); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma alnetorum (Singer) Guzmán (1999), (= Psilocybe alnetorum); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma ambiguum Peck (1898), (= Stropharia ambigua); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma ammophilum (Durieu & Lév.) Bigeard & Guillemin (1913), (= Psathyrella ammophila); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma anomalum A.H. Sm. (1941), (= Pholiota aberrans); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma aporum Pegler (1977); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma appendiculatum (Bull.) Quél. (1872), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma appendiculatum var. candolleanum (Fr.) R. Heim (1934), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma appendiculatum var. flocculosum Boud. (1906), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma appendiculatum var. hypsipoda (Fr.) Quél. (1884), (= Psathyrella hypsipus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma appendiculatum var. spintriger (Fr.) Bigeard & H. Guillemin (1913), (= Psathyrella spintrigera); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma artemisiae Pass. (1879), (= Psathyrella artemisiae); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma atrichum (Berk.) Sacc. (1887), (= Lacrymaria atricha); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma atrifolium Peck (1896), (= Psathyrella atrifolia); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma aurantiacum (Cooke) Faus (1982), (= Psilocybe aurantiaca); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma australe (Murrill) Murrill (1943); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma australe O.K. Mill. (1996), (= Hypholoma australianum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma australianum Redhead (2014); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma battarrae (Fr.) Ricken (1912), (= Psathyrella battarrae); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma bifrons (Berk.) Bigeard & H. Guillemin (1913), (= Psathyrella bifrons); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma bipellis (Quél.) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Psathyrella bipellis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma boninense S. Ito & S. Imai (1940), (= Psathyrella boninensis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma boughtonii Peck (1910), (= Lacrymaria lacrymabunda); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma britzelmayrii (Schulzer) Sacc. (1887), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma caerulescens (Pat.) Sacc. & Trotter (1912), (= Psilocybe cubensis); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma caespitosum (Earle) Morgan (1908), (= Psathyrella franklinii); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma californicum Earle (1902); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma campestre (Earle) Morgan (1908), (= Psathyrella campestris); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma candolleanum (Fr.) Quél. (1872), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma candolleanum var. annulatum Quél. (1877), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma candolleanum var. platincola Speg. (1926), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma candolleanum var. squarrosum Naveau (1923), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma canoceps Kauffman (1926), (= Coprinopsis canoceps); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma caput-medusae (Fr.) Ricken (1912), (= Psathyrella caput-medusae); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma cascum sensu Lange [Fl. Ag. Dan. 4: 77 & pl. 147A (1939)], (= Psathyrella pseudocasca); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma cascum (Fr.) Gillet (1878), (= Psathyrella casca); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma castanophyllum (Berk.) Sacc. (1887), (= Lacrymaria castanophylla); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma castilloi (Singer) Raithelh. (1977); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma castilloi (Singer) Raithelh. (1980); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma catarium (Fr.) Massee (1892), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma catarius (Fr.) Massee (1892), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma chondroderma (Berk. & Broome) J.E. Lange (1938), (= Psathyrella pertinax); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma cokerianum (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Guzmán (1999), (= Deconica cokeriana); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma comatum G.F. Atk. (1918), (= Psathyrella comata); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma condensum (Berk.) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella condensa); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma confertissimum G.F. Atk. (1918), (= Psathyrella confertissima); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma confusum Dennis (1961); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma cotoneum (Quél.) J.E. Lange (1923), (= Psathyrella cotonea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma cyanescens Maire (1928), (= Psilocybe mairei); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma delineatum Peck (1911), (= Typhrasa delineata); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma dispersum Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma dispersum var. idahoense A.H. Sm. (1944), (= Hypholoma dispersum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma echiniceps G.F. Atk. (1909), (= Lacrymaria echiniceps); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma egenulum (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1887), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma elaeodes (Fr.) Gillet (1878), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma elongatipes C.S. Parker (1933), (= Psathyrella elongatipes); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma elongatipes (Peck) A.H. Sm. (1941), (= Pholiota elongatipes); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma elongatum (Pers.) Ricken (1912); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma epixanthum sensu auct., (= Hypholoma radicosum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma epixanthum (Fr.) Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma epixanthum f. tenuior Killerm. (1939), (= Hypholoma epixanthum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma epixanthum var. radicosum (J.E. Lange) Bon & P. Roux (2003), (= Hypholoma radicosum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma ericaeoides P.D. Orton (1960); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma ericaeum (Pers.) Kühner (1936); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma eximium (C. Laest.) Rald (1991); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare sensu Massee, (= Hypholoma acutum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare (Huds.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare f. ceratophorum Pilát (1927), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare f. foedinarum Pilát (1927), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare f. radicata Killerm. (1939), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare f. sterilis J.E. Lange (1923), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. armeniacum (Y.S. Chang & A.K. Mills) Y.S. Chang, A.K. Mills, G.M. Gates & Ratkowsky (2013), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. capnoides (Fr.) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Hypholoma capnoides); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. griseophyllum J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. griseophyllum J.Aug. Schmitt (2022), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. luteolamellatum Blanco-Dios (2017), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. mitis Raithelh. (1980), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. obtusum Schulzer (1887), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. pusillum J.E. Lange (1923), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. subviride (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Krieglst. (1984), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fasciculare var. subviride (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Krieglst. (1986), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fatuum (Fr.) Bigeard & H. Guill. (1909), (= Psathyrella fatua); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma felinum Pass. (1887), (= Candolleomyces candolleanus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma fibrillosum (Pers.) Bigeard & H. Guill. (1909), (= Psathyrella fibrillosa); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma flavifolium (A.H. Sm.) Redhead (1989), (= Hypholoma dispersum); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma flavorhizum Kalamees & Shchukin (1986); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma flavovirens Murrill (1918); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma flocculosum (Earle) Morgan (1908), (= Psathyrella flocculosa); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma floridanum (Murrill) Murrill (1941), (= Psathyrella floridana); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma fragile Peck (1909); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma frowardii (Speg.) Garrido (1985); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma fulvidulum P.D. Orton (1999), (= Bogbodia uda); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma gigasporum (Natarajan & Raman) Guzmán (1999), (= Psilocybe gigaspora); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma glutinosum Massee (1898), (= Pholiota glutinosa); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma gossypinum var. semivestitum (Berk. & Broome) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Psathyrella microrhiza); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma gracile (Fr.) Hongo & Izawa (1994), (= Psathyrella corrugis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma graminis (Quél.) Sacc. & Traverso (1910), (= Pholiota conissans); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma guzmanii (Natarajan & Raman) Guzmán (1999), (= Psilocybe guzmanii); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma hemisoodes (Berk.) Sacc. (1887), (= Lacrymaria hemisoodes); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma himalayense M. Ayyub & Niazi (2023); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma hirtosquamulosum (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Cystoagaricus hirtosquamulosus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma hololanigerum G.F. Atk. (1909), (= Psathyrella hololanigera); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma humidicola (Murrill) Redhead & Malloch (2010); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma hydrophilum (Bull.) Quél. (1872), (= Psathyrella piluliformis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma hymenocephalum (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella hymenocephala); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma hypoxanthum Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella cotonea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma incertum Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella incerta); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma incertum var. sylvestre Kauffman (1918), (= Psathyrella incerta); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma infidum (Quél.) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Psathyrella prona); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma instratum sensu Massee, J. Lange, (= Psathyrella pertinax); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma lacrymabundum sensu Rea (1922), (= Psathyrella cotonea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma lacrymabundum (Bull.) Sacc. (1887), (= Lacrymaria lacrymabunda); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma lacrymabundum var. pyrrotrichum (Holmsk.) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Lacrymaria pyrotricha); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma laeticolor (F.H. Møller) P.D. Orton (1960); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma lapponicum (Fr.) M.M. Moser (1967), (= Pholiota lapponica); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma lateritium (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma lateritium var. griseophyllum J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Hypholoma lateritium); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma lateritium var. griseophyllum J.Aug. Schmitt (2022), (= Hypholoma lateritium); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma lateritium var. pomposum (Bolton) P. Roux & Guy García (2006), (= Hypholoma lateritium); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma leucotephrum (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1887), (= Candolleomyces leucotephrus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma litorale Vizzini, Contu & Musumeci (2010); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma longinqua (Singer) E. Horak (1982), (= Psilocybe longinqua); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma longipes Peck (1895), (= Psathyrella longipes); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma longipes Dearn. & Bisby (1929), (= Psathyrella elongatipes); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma maculatum C.S. Parker (1933), (= Psathyrella maculata); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma madeodiscum (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella madeodisca); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma marcescibile (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895), (= Coprinopsis marcescibilis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma marginatum J. Schröt. (1889); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma megapotamicum (Speg.) Sacc. (1887), (= Hypholoma fasciculare); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma melanthinum sensu Rea (1922), J.E. Lange, (= Psathyrella maculata); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma melanthinum (Fr.) P. Karst. (1879), (= Coprinopsis melanthina); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma minutellum Höhn. (1907), (= Psathyrella minutella); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma modestum Sacc. (1891), (= Psilocybe modesta); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma murinacea Beeli (1938); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma musae (Earle) Morgan (1908), (= Agrocybe musae); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma myosotis (Fr.) M. Lange (1955); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma naematoliforme (Guzmán) Guzmán (1999), (= Psilocybe naematoliformis); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma neocaledonicum (Guzmán & E. Horak) Guzmán (1999), (= Deconica neocaledonica); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma nitidipes (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Agaricus nitidipes); Agaricaceae
Hypholoma noli-tangere (Fr.) Costantin & L.M. Dufour (1891), (= Psathyrella noli-tangere); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma oblongisporum C.S. Parker (1933), (= Psathyrella oblongispora); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma oedipus Sacc. (1887), (= Meottomyces dissimulans); Agaricales
Hypholoma olivaceotinctum (Kauffman) Pomerl. (1984), (= Psilocybe olivaceotincta); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma olivaesporum (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. (1891), (= Pilosace olivaespora); Agaricales
Hypholoma olympianum A.H. Sm. (1944), (= Pholiota olympiana); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma ornellum (Peck) Morgan (1908); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma pannucioides J.E. Lange (1940), (= Coprinopsis pannucioides); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma peckianum Kauffman (1918); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma pennatum (Fr.) Bigeard & H. Guill. (1909), (= Psathyrella pennata); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma pennatum var. semivestitum (Berk. & Broome) Bigeard & H. Guillemin (1909), (= Psathyrella microrhiza); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma peregrinum Massee (1907); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma perplexum (Peck) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma pertinax (Fr.) Ricken (1915), (= Psathyrella pertinax); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma phyllogenum Sacc. (1887), (= Deconica phyllogena); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma pilatii Velen. (1922), (= Naematoloma pilatii); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma piluliforme (Bull.) Gillet (1878), (= Psathyrella piluliformis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma piluliformis (Bull.) Gillet (1878), (= Psathyrella piluliformis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma polylepidis Dennis (1961); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma polytrichi (Fr.) Ricken (1912); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma popperianum (Singer) Guzmán (1999); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma populinum (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887), (= Cystoagaricus populinus); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma pseudostorea (W.G. Sm.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1905), (= Psathyrella cotonea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma puiggarii (Speg.) Raithelh. (1974); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma puiggarii (Speg.) Raithelh. (1985); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma pyrotrichum (Holmsk.) Quél. (1872), (= Lacrymaria pyrotricha); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma pyrotrichum var. egregium Massee (1892), (= Lacrymaria pyrotricha); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma radicosoides Raithelh. (1990); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma radicosum J.E. Lange (1923); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma rhombispora (Guzmán) Guzmán (1999), (= Deconica neorhombispora); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma rickenii Romagn. (1977); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma rigidipes Peck (1910), (= Psathyrella rigidipes); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma roystoniae (Earle) Morgan (1908), (= Psathyrella roystoniae); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma rubrococcineum (Balletto) Nonis (1994); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma rubrococcineum (Balletto) R. Mazza (1994); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma rugocephalum G.F. Atk. (1903), (= Psathyrella rugocephala); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma rugoproximum C.S. Parker (1933), (= Psathyrella rugoproxima); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma saccharinophilum (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella saccharinophila); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma silvaticum (Peck) A.H. Sm. (1941), (= Psilocybe silvatica); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma silvestre sensu Heim & Romagnesi, (= Cystoagaricus sylvestris); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma simile C.S. Parker (1933), (= Psathyrella similis); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma solitarium Rick (1961); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma sphagnicola (Maire) Konrad & Maubl. (1928), (= Psathyrella sphagnicola); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma spintrigerum (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. (1927), (= Psathyrella spintrigera); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma squalidellum (Peck) Sacc. (1887), (= Psilocybe squalidella); Hymenogastraceae
Hypholoma squamosum (Pers.) Urbonas (1975), (= Leratiomyces squamosus); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma squamosum (Pers.) Urbonas (1999), (= Leratiomyces squamosus); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma squamosum var. thraustum (Kalchbr.) Hongo & Izawa (1994), (= Leratiomyces squamosus); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma stellatofurfuraceum S. Ito & S. Imai (1940), (= Psathyrella stellatifurfuracea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma storea (Fr.) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella storea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma storea var. caespitosum (Cooke) Killerm. (1939), (= Psathyrella cotonea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma storea ß caespitosum Cooke (1885), (= Psathyrella storea); Psathyrellaceae
Hypholoma subdispersum Dennis (1955); Strophariaceae
Hypholoma subericaeum (Fr.) Kühner (1936); Strophariaceae

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