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Pages: 1 of 84 records. TofP BofP

Inosperma acutofulvum (Bizio & Castellan) Bizio, A. Castellan & Cervini (2020); Inocybaceae
Inosperma adaequatum (Britzelm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma africanum Aïgnon, Yorou & Ryberg (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma afromelliolens Eyssart. & Buyck (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma akirnum (K.P.D. Latha & Manim.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma apiosmotum (Grund & D.E. Stuntz) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma apollonium Bandini & B. Oertel (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma armoricanum (R. Heim) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma aureostipes (Kobayasi) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bicoloratum (E. Horak, Matheny & Desjardin) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma boeticum Eyssart. & Buyck (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bongardii (Weinm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bongardii var. microspora J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Inosperma bongardii); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bongardii var. microsporum J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Inosperma bongardii); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bongardii var. microsporum J.Aug. Schmitt (2022), (= Inosperma bongardii); Inocybaceae
Inosperma bulbomarginatum Aïgnon, Yorou & Ryberg (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma calamistratoides (E. Horak) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma calamistratum (Fr.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma carnosibulbosum (C.K. Pradeep & Matheny) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma cervicolor (Pers.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma changbaiense (T. Bau & Y.G. Fan) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma chlorochroum (Corriol & Guinb.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma cookei (Bres.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma cyanotrichium (Matheny, Bougher & G.M. Gates) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma dodonae Bandini & B. Oertel (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma erubescens (A. Blytt) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma fastigiellum (G.F. Atk.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma flavobrunneum Aïgnon, Yorou & Ryberg (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma fulvoumbrinum (Bres.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma fulvum (Bon) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma fuscospinulosum (Corner & E. Horak) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma geraniodorum (J. Favre) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma geraniodorum var. depauperatum J. Favre ex Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019), (= Inosperma geraniodorum); Inocybaceae
Inosperma gregarium (K.P.D. Latha & Manim.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma griseolum (Takah. Kobay.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma hainanense Y.G. Fan, L.S. Deng, W.J. Yu & N.K. Zeng (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma hirsutum (Lasch) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma insignissimum (Romagn.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma ionides (Corner & E. Horak) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma ismeneanum Bandini & B. Oertel (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma kuthanii (Stangl & J. Veselský) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma lanatodiscum (Kauffman) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma latericium (E. Horak) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma lilofastigiatum (Stangl & J. Veselský) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma longisporum S.N. Li, Y.G. Fan & Z.H. Chen (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma macrocarpum Aïgnon & Yorou (2023); Inocybaceae
Inosperma maculatum (Boud.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma maximum (A.H. Sm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma misakaense (Matheny & Watling) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma monastichum Bandini & B. Oertel (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma mucidiolens (Grund & D.E. Stuntz) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma muscarium Y.G. Fan, L.S. Deng, W.J. Yu & N.K. Zeng (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma mutatum (Peck) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma neobrunnescens (Grund & D.E. Stuntz) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma neobrunnescens var. leucothelotum (Grund & D.E. Stuntz) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019), (= Inosperma neobrunnescens); Inocybaceae
Inosperma nivalellum S.N. Li, Y.G. Fan & Z.H. Chen (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma pallidifolium (Murrill) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma pisciodorum (Donadini & Riousset) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma proximum (E. Horak, Matheny & Desjardin) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma quercinum (Hongo) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma quietiodor (Bon) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma reisneri (Velen.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma rhodiolum (Bres.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma rimosoides (Peck) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma rosellicaulare (Grund & D.E. Stuntz) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma rubricosum (Matheny & Bougher) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma saragum (K.P.D. Latha & Manim.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma shawarense (Naseer & Khalid) Aïgnon & Naseer (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma sphaerobulbosum S.N. Li, Y.G. Fan & Z.H. Chen (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma squamulosobrunneum S.N. Li, Y.G. Fan & Z.H. Chen (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma squamulosohinnuleum S.N. Li, Y.G. Fan & Z.H. Chen (2022); Inocybaceae
Inosperma subhirsutum (Kühner) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma submaculatum Eyssart. & Buyck (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma subrubescens (G.F. Atk.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma subsphaerosporum Y.G. Fan, L.S. Deng, W.J. Yu & L.Y. Liu (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma sulcatum (Moënne-Locc., Poirier & Reumaux) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma tenerrimum (G.F. Atk.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma umbrinovirens (E. Horak) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma veliferum (Kühner) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma vinaceobrunneum (Matheny, Ovrebo & Kudzma) Haelew. (2020); Inocybaceae
Inosperma vinaceum Cervini, M. Carbone & Bizio (2021); Inocybaceae
Inosperma viridipes (Matheny, Bougher & G.M. Gates) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma virosum (K.B. Vrinda, C.K. Pradeep, A.V. Joseph & T.K. Abraham ex C.K. Pradeep, K.B. Vrinda & Matheny) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. (2019); Inocybaceae
Inosperma zonativeliferum Y.G. Fan, H.J. Li, F. Xu, L.S. Deng & W.J. Yu (2022); Inocybaceae

Pages: 1 of 84 records. TofP BofP