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Pages: 1 of 7 records. TofP BofP

Lepiotophyllum badhamii (Berk. & Broome) Locq. (1942), (= Leucocoprinus badhamii); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum excoriatum (Schaeff.) Locq. (1942), (= Macrolepiota excoriata); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum mastoideum (Fr.) Locq. (1942), (= Macrolepiota mastoidea); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum procerum (Scop.) Locq. (1942), (= Macrolepiota procera); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum rhacodes (Vittad.) Locq. (1942), (= Chlorophyllum rhacodes); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum rhacodes var. puellaris (Fr.) Locq. (1942), (= Leucocoprinus nympharum); Agaricaceae
Lepiotophyllum rubescens (Velen.) Locq. (1942), (= Lepiota rubescens); Agaricaceae

Pages: 1 of 7 records. TofP BofP