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Pages: 1 of 66 records. TofP BofP

Micromphale abhorrens (Berk. & Broome) Park.-Rhodes (1954), (= Hodophilus foetens); Clavariaceae
Micromphale abscondens (Peck) Murrill (1916), (= Pleurotus abscondens); Pleurotaceae
Micromphale acicola Knudsen (1991), (= Collybia romagnesii); Clitocybaceae
Micromphale amadelphum (Bull.) Honrubia (1984), (= Collybiopsis ramealis); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale arbuticola Desjardin (1986); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale arenivagum (Britzelm.) Honrubia (1984); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale australiense (Cleland) Grgur. (1997); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale austrochilense Singer (1969); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale badia Murrill (1916), (= Pleurotus badius); Pleurotaceae
Micromphale brassicolens (Romagn.) P.D. Orton (1960), (= Gymnopus brassicolens); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale brassicolens var. pallidus (Antonín & Noordel.) Legon & A. Henrici (2005), (= Gymnopus brassicolens); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale brevipes (Berk. & Ravenel) Singer (1953), (= Gymnopus neobrevipes); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale brunescens (Earle) Murrill (1916), (= Callistosporium brunescens); Callistosporiaceae
Micromphale carneopallidum Pouzar (1966), (= Collybiopsis carneopallida); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale cauvetii Maire & Kühner ex Hora (1960), (= Gymnopus brassicolens); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale collariatum (With.) Gray (1821), (= Marasmius rotula); Marasmiaceae
Micromphale convexum (Murrill) Dennis (1951), (= Mycena convexa); Mycenaceae
Micromphale dunensis Robich, G. Moreno & Pöder (1991), (= Paramarasmius mesosporus); Marasmiaceae
Micromphale elongatipes (Peck) Murrill (1916), (= Hypsizygus elongatipes); Lyophyllaceae
Micromphale epiphyllum (Pers.) Gray (1821), (= Marasmius epiphyllus); Marasmiaceae
Micromphale ericetorum (Pers.) Gray (1821), (= Lichenomphalia umbellifera); Hygrophoraceae
Micromphale euomphalum (Berk.) Singer (1955), (= Neoclitocybe euomphalus); Agaricales
Micromphale fibula (Bull.) Gray (1821), (= Rickenella fibula); Rickenellaceae
Micromphale fimbriatum (Bolton) Gray (1821), (= Clitocybe fimbriata); Clitocybaceae
Micromphale foetidum (Sowerby) Singer (1945), (= Gymnopus foetidus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale foetidum (Sowerby) Singer (1951), (= Gymnopus foetidus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale fragile Gray (1821), (= Xeromphalina campanella); Mycenaceae
Micromphale fulvifibrillosa Murrill (1916), (= Simocybe fulvifibrillosa); Crepidotaceae
Micromphale fuscifrons (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Murrill (1916); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale griseum Singer (1973); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale humillimum (Quél.) Honrubia (1984), (= Marasmiellus humillimus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale impudicum (Fr.) P.D. Orton (1960), (= Gymnopus impudicus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale inodorum Dennis (1961); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale inodorum (Pat.) Svrček (1964), (= Gymnopus inodorus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale irroratum (Pat.) Dennis (1951), (= Hydropus irroratus); Mycenaceae
Micromphale latisporum Singer (1973); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale luteum Dennis (1951); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale macrosporum Singer (1973); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale mirramirildinum Grgur. (1997); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale occidentale Singer (1973); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale orientale Manim. & Leelav. (1988); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale pacificum Hongo (1977); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale perforans (Hoffm.) Gray (1821), (= Paragymnopus perforans); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale pilosa (Dennis) Dennis (1970), (= Marasmiellus pilosus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale rameale (Bull.) Kühner (1980), (= Collybiopsis ramealis); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale rheicolor (Berk.) Dennis (1951), (= Xeromphalina tenuipes); Mycenaceae
Micromphale roriduliforme (Murrill) Dennis (1951), (= Mycena roriduliformis); Mycenaceae
Micromphale rufocarneum sensu auct. brit., (= Gymnopus inodorus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale rufocarneum (Velen.) J.H. Petersen & Vesterh. (1990), (= Gymnopus foetidus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale rufocarneum (Velen.) Knudsen (1991), (= Gymnopus foetidus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale rugosum (Cleland) Grgur. (1997); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale saccharophilum (Speg.) Singer (1952), (= Marasmiellus saccharophilus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale separatum Singer (1973); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale sequoiae Desjardin (1986), (= Paragymnopus sequoiae); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale stenophyllum (Mont.) Singer (1955), (= Collybiopsis stenophylla); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale subavellaneum (Murrill) Dennis (1951); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale subexcavatum Murrill (1916), (= Pleurotus excavatus); Pleurotaceae
Micromphale subtranslucens Dennis (1951), (= Hemimycena subtranslucens); Mycenaceae
Micromphale todeae (Henn.) Antonín (1989); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale tomentosum Singer (1965); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale trabutii (Maire) Honrubia (1984), (= Marasmiellus trabutii); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale tricolor (Alb. & Schwein.) Honrubia (1984), (= Marasmiellus tricolor); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale ulmarium (Bull.) Murrill (1916), (= Hypsizygus ulmarius); Lyophyllaceae
Micromphale venosum (Pers.) Gray (1821), (= Gymnopus foetidus); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale villosipes (Cleland) Grgur. (1997), (= Collybiopsis villosipes); Omphalotaceae
Micromphale westii (Murrill) Singer (1948), (= Gymnopus westii); Omphalotaceae

Pages: 1 of 66 records. TofP BofP