Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 10 records. TofP BofP

Ozonium atroumbrinum Speg. (1922); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium auricomum Link (1809); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium flammeum (Jungh.) Wallr. (1833), (= Anthina flammea); Ascomycota
Ozonium glumicola Sacc. (1916); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium omnivorum Shear (1907), (= Phymatotrichopsis omnivora); Rhizinaceae
Ozonium sacchari Speg. (1896); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium strigosum (Pers.) Link (1824), (= Phomatospora dinemasporium); Phomatosporaceae
Ozonium texanum Neal & R.E. Webster (1933); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium texanum var. parasiticum Thirum. (1951), (= Ozonium texanum); Psathyrellaceae
Ozonium trichomallum Speg. (1918); Psathyrellaceae

Pages: 1 of 10 records. TofP BofP