Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 12 records. TofP BofP

Phloeomana alba (Bres.) Redhead (2016); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana alba var. bispora J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Phloeomana alba); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana alba var. bispora J.Aug. Schmitt (2022), (= Phloeomana alba); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana atropapillata (Kühner & Maire) Aronsen & Læssøe (2022); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana clavata (Peck) Redhead (2016); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana hiemalis (Osbeck) Redhead (2016); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana minutula (Sacc.) Redhead (2016); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana minutula var. cystidiata J.Aug. Schmitt (2020), (= Phloeomana minutula); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana minutula var. cystidiata J.Aug. Schmitt (2022), (= Phloeomana minutula); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana neospeirea (Singer) Gminder (2016); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana speirea (Fr.) Redhead (2013); Porotheleaceae
Phloeomana speirea f. alcalina Lüderitz & H. Lehmann (2019), (= Phloeomana speirea); Porotheleaceae

Pages: 1 of 12 records. TofP BofP