Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next >>] of 1963 records. TofP BofP Phoma abdita Sacc. (1880), (= Diaporthe abdita); Diaporthaceae Phoma abietella-sibirica Schwarzman (1952); Didymellaceae Phoma abietina R. Hartig (1889), (= Phomopsis abietina); Diaporthaceae Phoma abietinae Linds. (1872), (= Lecanactis abietina); Roccellaceae Phoma abrotani Oudem. (1902), (= Phomopsis abrotani); Diaporthaceae Phoma abscondita Pass. (1888), (= Macrophoma abscondita); Botryosphaeriaceae Phoma acaciae Henn. (1891), (= Epicoccum henningsii); Didymellaceae Phoma acaciicola Henn. (1898), (= Phomopsis acaciicola); Diaporthaceae Phoma acaciicola Oudem. (1902), (= Phoma commutata); Didymellaceae Phoma acaciigena S. Ahmad & Arshad (1972); Didymellaceae Phoma acaenae Henn. (1906); Didymellaceae Phoma acanthi Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1905), (= Phomopsis acanthi); Diaporthaceae Phoma acantholimonis Henn. (1900), (= Ceuthospora acantholimonis); Phacidiaceae Phoma accedens (Sacc.) Mussat (1901), (= Sporonema spadiceum); Drepanopezizaceae Phoma acervalis Sacc. (1884), (= Cyanophomella acervalis); Nectriaceae Phoma acetosellae (A.L. Sm. & Ramsb.) Aa & Boerema (2002), (= Didymella acetosellae); Didymellaceae Phoma achilleae Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe orthoceras); Diaporthaceae Phoma acicola (Moug. & Lév.) Sacc. (1881), (= Sydowia polyspora); Dothioraceae Phoma acinicola Speg. (1910), (= Macrophoma acinicola); Botryosphaeriaceae Phoma acmella Berk. (1855), (= Phomopsis acmella); Diaporthaceae Phoma aconiticola Petr. (1921); Didymellaceae Phoma acridii Tassi (1900); Didymellaceae Phoma actaeae Boerema, Gruyter & Noordel. (1997); Didymellaceae Phoma actinidiae Ablak. & Koval (1963); Didymellaceae Phoma aculeorum Sacc. (1878); Didymellaceae Phoma aculeorum var. depressa Ferraris (1904), (= Phoma aculeorum); Didymellaceae Phoma aculeorum var. pseudocaciae Allesch. (1898), (= Phoma aculeorum); Didymellaceae Phoma acuta Fuckel (1870), (= Leptosphaeria acuta); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta f. ballotae Thüm. (1875), (= Leptosphaeria acuta); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta f. ballotae P. Syd. (1889), (= Leptosphaeria acuta); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta f. ballotae Allesch. (1898), (= Leptosphaeria acuta); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta f. petasitis Roum. (1881), (= Leptosphaeria acuta); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta subsp. amplior Sacc. & Roum. (1884), (= Leptosphaeria doliolum); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuta subsp. errabunda (Desm.) Boerema, Gruyter & Kesteren (1994), (= Leptosphaeria errabunda); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma acuum Cooke & Ellis (1878); Didymellaceae Phoma adianticola (E. Young) Boerema (1983); Didymellaceae Phoma adonidicola Yan Li, Q. Wang & G.Z. Lu (2006); Didymellaceae Phoma adonidis Moesz (1909), (= Heterophoma adonidis); Didymellaceae Phoma adonidis-apenninae Naumov (1914); Didymellaceae Phoma aegles (Traverso) Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1906); Didymellaceae Phoma aesculana Sacc. (1892), (= Phomopsis aesculana); Diaporthaceae Phoma agapanthi subsp. iridina Maire & Sacc. (1902), (= Phomopsis iridina); Diaporthaceae Phoma agaves Durieu & Mont. (1855), (= Coniothyrina agaves); Ascomycota Phoma aggregata Calat. & Etayo (2001); Didymellaceae Phoma agminalis Sacc. (1881), (= Melanomma pulvis-pyrius); Melanommataceae Phoma agnita Gonz. Frag. (1920); Didymellaceae Phoma agropyri Lobik (1928); Didymellaceae Phoma ailanthi Sacc. (1884), (= Diaporthe tuberculosa); Diaporthaceae Phoma ajacis (Thüm.) Aa & Boerema (1993), (= Stagonosporopsis ajacis); Didymellaceae Phoma akebiae Dearn. (1924); Didymellaceae Phoma albae Kamal, R.P. Singh & A.K. Singh (1982); Didymellaceae Phoma albanica Petr. (1922); Didymellaceae Phoma albicans Roberge ex Desm. (1849), (= Stemphylium vesicarium); Pleosporaceae Phoma albifructa Peck (1885), (= Hypocenia albifructa); Godroniaceae Phoma albomaculata Miura (1928); Didymellaceae Phoma alcearum Cooke (1885), (= Macrophoma alcearum); Botryosphaeriaceae Phoma alchemillae Vestergr. (1897), (= Phyllosticta alchemillae); Phyllostictaceae Phoma alectorolophi Boerema, Gruyter & Noordel. (1997); Didymellaceae Phoma aliena (Fr.) Aa & Boerema (1998), (= Didymella aliena); Didymellaceae Phoma alismatis Henn. & Staritz (1913); Didymellaceae Phoma allahabadensis Tandon & Bilgrami (1960); Didymellaceae Phoma allescheriana Henn. (1898), (= Phomopsis allescheriana); Diaporthaceae Phoma allostoma (Lév.) Sacc. (1884); Didymellaceae Phoma almeidae Sacc. & Traverso (1911); Didymellaceae Phoma alnea Nitschke ex Sacc. (1880), (= Diaporthe alnea); Diaporthaceae Phoma aloes Crous & M.J. Wingf. (2013); Didymellaceae Phoma aloicola Trinchieri (1909); Didymellaceae Phoma aloidis (Oudem.) Punith. (1988); Didymellaceae Phoma alternantherae Gutner (1936); Didymellaceae Phoma alternariacea F.T. Brooks & Searle (1921), (= Didymella molleriana); Didymellaceae Phoma alterosae Viégas (1945); Didymellaceae Phoma alyssi-alpestris Naumov (1915); Didymellaceae Phoma amaryllidis Kotthoff & Friedrichs (1929), (= Didymella curtisii); Didymellaceae Phoma ambiens Syd. & P. Syd. (1908), (= Asteromella ambiens); Dothideomycetes Phoma ambigua (Nitschke) Sacc. (1872), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Phoma ambrosioidis Kamal & P. Kumar (1981); Didymellaceae Phoma amelanchieris Cooke (1885), (= Phomopsis amelanchieris); Diaporthaceae Phoma americana Morgan-Jones & J.F. White (1983), (= Didymella americana); Didymellaceae Phoma ammophilae Durieu & Mont. (1849); Didymellaceae Phoma amomi P.K. Chi (1994); Didymellaceae Phoma amorphae Sacc. (1879); Didymellaceae Phoma ampelina Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1873), (= Diaporthe ampelina); Diaporthaceae Phoma amplior (Sacc. & Roum.) Mussat (1901), (= Leptosphaeria doliolum); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma amygdali Oudem. (1901); Didymellaceae Phoma amygdali-communis Politis (1940); Didymellaceae Phoma amygdalina Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1902); Didymellaceae Phoma anacycli Gonz. Frag. (1925); Didymellaceae Phoma anaphalidis Wehm. (1964); Didymellaceae Phoma anarrhini Gonz. Frag. (1924); Didymellaceae Phoma anceps Sacc. (1881), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Phoma anceps var. polygoni Grove (1918), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Phoma andigena Turkenst. (1995), (= Stagonosporopsis andigena); Didymellaceae Phoma andina Sacc., Syd. & P. Syd. (1904), (= Stagonosporopsis crystalliniformis); Didymellaceae Phoma andina Turkenst. (1978), (= Stagonosporopsis andigena); Didymellaceae Phoma andina var. crystalliniformis Loer., R. Navarro, M. Lôbo & Turkenst. (1986), (= Stagonosporopsis crystalliniformis); Didymellaceae Phoma andropogonivora (R. Sprague & Rogerson) Gruyter (2002); Didymellaceae Phoma andryalina Petr. (1931); Didymellaceae Phoma anemones Kauffman (1936); Didymellaceae Phoma anemopaegmae Gonz. Frag. (1917); Didymellaceae Phoma anemopaegmae Gonz. Frag. ex Trotter (1931); Didymellaceae Phoma anethi (Pers.) Sacc. (1881), (= Fusoidiella anethi); Mycosphaerellaceae Phoma anethi var. apii-petroselini Desm. (1907), (= Fusoidiella anethi); Mycosphaerellaceae Phoma anigozanthi Tassi (1899), (= Nothophoma anigozanthi); Didymellaceae Phoma annonicola Sacc. (1915); Didymellaceae Phoma annulata N. Pons (1991), (= Epicoccum sorghinum); Didymellaceae Phoma anserina Marchal (1891), (= Didymella anserina); Didymellaceae Phoma anthemidis H. Ruppr. (1958); Didymellaceae Phoma anthrisci Brunaud (1890); Didymellaceae Phoma anthurii Henn. (1908); Didymellaceae Phoma anthyllidicola Henn. (1898), (= Phomopsis anthyllidicola); Diaporthaceae Phoma anthyllidis I.E. Brezhnev (1951); Didymellaceae Phoma antirrhini Dzhalag. (1965); Didymellaceae Phoma apiicola Kleb. (1910), (= Subplenodomus apiicola); Leptosphaeriaceae Phoma apocrypta Ellis & Everh. (1902); Didymellaceae Phoma apocyni Bondartsev (1933); Didymellaceae Phoma aposphaerioides H. Briard & Har. (1890), (= Neocucurbitaria cava); Cucurbitariaceae Phoma aquifolii Brunaud (1890), (= Phomopsis aquifolii); Diaporthaceae Phoma aquilegiicola M. Petrov (1933), (= Calophoma aquilegiicola); Didymellaceae Phoma aquilina Sacc. & Penz. (1882); Didymellaceae Phoma arachidicola Marasas, Pauer & Boerema (1974), (= Didymella arachidicola); Didymellaceae Phoma arachidis-hypogaeae (V.G. Rao) Aa & Boerema (1993), (= Nothophoma arachidis-hypogaeae); Didymellaceae Phoma arachnoidea K. Gerber (1931); Didymellaceae Phoma araucana Speg. (1910); Didymellaceae Phoma araucariae Traverso (1900); Didymellaceae Phoma araucariicola Bat. & A.F. Vital (1952); Didymellaceae Phoma arbuti Maire (1916); Didymellaceae Phoma arctii (Lasch) Sacc. (1881), (= Diaporthe arctii); Diaporthaceae Phoma arctostaphyli Vestergr. (1897), (= Phyllosticta arctostaphyli); Phyllostictaceae Phoma arenariae Wehm. (1964); Didymellaceae Phoma areolata (Fr.) Wallr. (1833), (= Thekopsora areolata); Pucciniastraceae Phoma argillacea (Bres.) Aa & Boerema (2002), (= Xenodidymella applanata); Didymellaceae Phoma armeriae-sibericae Allesch. (1897); Didymellaceae Phoma artemisiicola Hollós (1926), (= Stagonosporopsis artemisiicola); Didymellaceae Phoma artemisiicola var. minor Hollós (1926), (= Stagonosporopsis artemisiicola); Didymellaceae Phoma aruncina Verpl. & R. Broecke (1936); Didymellaceae Phoma arundinicola L.A. Kantsch. (1928); Didymellaceae Phoma asclepiadea Ellis & Everh. (1896), (= Phomopsis asclepiadea); Diaporthaceae Phoma ascochytoidea Alcalde (1948); Didymellaceae Phoma asiatica (Cooke) Aa (2002); Didymellaceae Phoma asparagi Sacc. (1878), (= Phomopsis asparagi); Diaporthaceae Phoma asparagina Tehon & G.L. Stout (1929); Didymellaceae Phoma asperulae I.E. Brezhnev (1951); Didymellaceae Phoma asphodelina Thüm. (1878), (= Phomopsis asphodelina); Diaporthaceae Phoma aspidioticola Narendra & V.G. Rao (1974); Didymellaceae Phoma asplenii Sousa da Câmara (1949); Didymellaceae Phoma astericola G.F. Atk. (1897), (= Macrophoma astericola); Botryosphaeriaceae Phoma asteriscus Berk & Broome (1850), (= Phomopsis asteriscus); Diaporthaceae Phoma asteromella Died. (1912); Didymellaceae Phoma asteromelloides Bubák (1936); Didymellaceae Phoma astragali Cooke & Harkn. (1885), (= Stagonosporopsis astragali); Didymellaceae Phoma astragalina (Gonz. Frag.) Boerema & Kesteren (1981); Didymellaceae Phoma astrocarpi Gonz. Frag. (1924); Didymellaceae Phoma aterrima Petch (1922); Didymellaceae Phoma atomica Sacc. (1916); Didymellaceae Phoma atomispora Cooke (1883); Didymellaceae Phoma atomispora var. liriodendri Negru & Vlad (1962), (= Phoma atomispora); Didymellaceae Phoma atriplicina Westend. (1857), (= Stagonospora atriplicis); Phaeosphaeriaceae Phoma atriplicis Lobik (1928); Didymellaceae Phoma aubrietiae (Moesz) Boerema (1970), (= Phomatodes aubrietiae); Didymellaceae Phoma aucubae Westend. (1861), (= Diaporthe aucubae); Diaporthaceae Phoma aucubae f. ramulicola Sacc. (1884), (= Diaporthe aucubae); Diaporthaceae Phoma aucubicola Brunaud (1892), (= Phomopsis aucubicola); Diaporthaceae Phoma aurantiiperda Ruggieri (1935); Didymellaceae Phoma aurea Gruyter, Noordel. & Boerema (1993), (= Didymella aurea); Didymellaceae Phoma australis Cooke (1886), (= Idiocercus australis); Ascomycota Phoma averrhoae Subramon. & V.G. Rao (1981); Didymellaceae Phoma bacillaris Sacc. (1879), (= Diploplenodomopsis bacillaris); Gnomoniaceae Phoma bacilliformis Wehm. (1946); Didymellaceae Phoma bacilligera Czerepan. (1951); Didymellaceae Phoma bacillospora Dominik (1934); Didymellaceae Phoma bacterioides Bubák (1906); Didymellaceae Phoma bacteriophila Peck (1912); Didymellaceae Phoma bacteriosperma Bubák (1914); Didymellaceae Phoma bakeriana Sacc. (1914); Didymellaceae Phoma balanitis Ciccar. (1951); Didymellaceae Phoma baldratii Bacc. (1917); Didymellaceae Phoma balliensis R.C. Srivast. (1979); Didymellaceae Phoma banksiae-integrifoliae B. Sutton (1986); Didymellaceae Phoma baptisiae Oudem. (1902), (= Phoma baptisiicola); Didymellaceae Phoma baptisiicola Syd. & P. Syd. (1903); Didymellaceae Phoma barbari Cooke (1885), (= Phomopsis barbari); Diaporthaceae Phoma barringtoniae Cooke & Massee (1889), (= Dothiorella barringtoniae); Botryosphaeriaceae Phoma batatas Ellis & Halst. (1890), (= Phomopsis batatas); Diaporthaceae Phoma battarreae Hollós (1913); Didymellaceae Phoma beckhausii Cooke (1885), (= Phomopsis beckhausii); Diaporthaceae Phoma begoniae Tassi (1901), (= Ascochyta begoniae); Didymellaceae Phoma belgica E.K. Cash (1972); Didymellaceae Phoma bellidis Neerg. (1950), (= Didymella bellidis); Didymellaceae Phoma berberidicola Vestergr. (1897); Didymellaceae Phoma berberina Sacc. & Roum. (1881), (= Phomopsis berberina); Diaporthaceae Phoma berkeleyi Sacc. (1875), (= Phomatospora berkeleyi); Phomatosporaceae Phoma berteroae Hollós (1908); Didymellaceae Phoma betae A.B. Frank (1892), (= Neocamarosporium betae); Neocamarosporiaceae Phoma bidentis Hollós (1909); Didymellaceae Phoma biflori Garb. (1924); Didymellaceae Phoma bignoniae Sacc., E. Bommer & M. Rousseau (1890), (= Phomopsis bignoniae); Diaporthaceae Phoma bismarckii Kidd & Beaumont (1924); Didymellaceae Phoma boehmeriae Henn. (1902); Didymellaceae Phoma boeremae Gruyter (2002); Didymellaceae Phoma boerhaviae Shreem. (1972); Didymellaceae
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next >>] of 1963 records. TofP BofP