Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 15 records. TofP BofP

Stictochorella aegopodii (Allesch.) Höhn. (1930), (= Mycosphaerella podagrariae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Stictochorella angelicae (Sacc.) Höhn. (1930), (= Asteromella huubii); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella eryngiana (Sacc. & Fautrey) Petr. (1924); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella faginea Höhn. (1926), (= Phyllosticta humeriformis); Phyllostictaceae
Stictochorella fraxini (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Höhn. (1930), (= Asteromella fraxini); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella heraclei (Ellis & Dearn.) Höhn. (1930); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella heucherae (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Petr. (1924), (= Asteromella cylindrica); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella jasminicola (Desm.) Höhn. (1918); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella juniperi Höhn. (1916); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella lupini (Ellis & Everh.) Syd. (1924), (= Plenodomus lupini); Pleosporales
Stictochorella platanoidis (Sacc.) Höhn. (1920), (= Asteromella platanoidis); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella populi-nigrae (Allesch.) Petr. (1925); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella secalina (Jancz.) Höhn. (1930); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella umbelliferarum (Höhn.) Höhn. (1917); Dothideomycetes
Stictochorella vogelii A. Henkel (1923), (= Asteromella vogelii); Dothideomycetes

Pages: 1 of 15 records. TofP BofP