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Pages: 1 of 21 records. TofP BofP

Stromatosphaeria concentrica (Bolton) Grev. (1824), (= Daldinia concentrica); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria disciformis (Hoffm.) Grev. (1824), (= Diatrype disciformis); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria elliptica Grev. (1824), (= Jackrogersella multiformis); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria ferruginea (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Sillia ferruginea); Sydowiellaceae
Stromatosphaeria flavovirens (Pers.) Grev. (1827), (= Alloeutypa flavovirens); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria fragiformis (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Hypoxylon fragiforme); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria fragiformis var. laevis Grev. (1824), (= Hypoxylon fragiforme); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria fusca (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Hypoxylon fuscum); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria lata (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Eutypa lata); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria multiceps (Sowerby) Grev. (1824), (= Alloeutypa flavovirens); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria nigroannulata Grev. (1824), (= Diatrypella favacea); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria nivea (Hoffm.) Grev. (1824), (= Cytospora hoffmannii); Valsaceae
Stromatosphaeria prunastri (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Eutypella prunastri); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria quercina (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Diatrypella quercina); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria ribesia (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Dothiora ribesia); Botryosphaeriaceae
Stromatosphaeria rubiginosa sensu Greville [Fl. Edin.: pl. 114 (1824)], (= Jackrogersella multiformis); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria rubiginosa (Pers.) Grev. (1823), (= Hypoxylon rubiginosum); Hypoxylaceae
Stromatosphaeria stigma (Hoffm.) Grev. (1824), (= Diatrype stigma); Diatrypaceae
Stromatosphaeria typhina (Pers.) Grev. (1825), (= Epichloe typhina);
Stromatosphaeria ulmaria (Sowerby) Grev. (1824), (= Dothidella ulmi); Polystomellaceae
Stromatosphaeria undulata (Pers.) Grev. (1824), (= Diatrype stigma); Diatrypaceae

Pages: 1 of 21 records. TofP BofP