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Pages: 1 of 23 records. TofP BofP

Thelebolus balaustiformis Bovio, Garzoli, A. Poli, Prigione & Varese (2018); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus caninus (Sacc.) Jeng & J.C. Krug (1978); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus coemansii (Boud.) Brumm. (1998), (= Coprotus granuliformis); Pezizales
Thelebolus crustaceus (Fuckel) Kimbr. (1967); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus dubius (Boud.) Doveri (2004); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus dubius var. lagopi (Boud. ex Rea) Doveri (2004), (= Thelebolus dubius); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus ellipsoideus Brumm. & de Hoog (2005); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus globosus Brumm. & de Hoog (2005); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus lignicola Lloyd (1918); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus microcarpus Stchigel, Y. Marín, Guarro & Cano (2015); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus microsporus (Berk. & Broome) Kimbr. (1967); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus monoascus (Mouton) Boud. (1907); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus nanus Heimerl (1889); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus obscurus (Seaver) Eckblad (1968); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus pilosus J. Schröt. (1893), (= Trichobolus pilosus); Ascodesmidaceae
Thelebolus polysporus (P. Karst.) Otani & Kanzawa (1970); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus psychrophilus (P.S. Bergman) Eckblad (1968); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus spongiae Bovio, Garzoli, A. Poli, Prigione & Varese (2018); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus stercoreus Tode (1790); Thelebolaceae
Thelebolus striatus (K.S. Thind, E.K. Cash & Pr. Singh) K.S. Thind (1974), (= Cheilymenia granulata); Pyronemataceae
Thelebolus sudans (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (1828), (= Dacryobolus sudans); Dacryobolaceae
Thelebolus terrestris Alb. & Schwein. (1805), (= Byssonectria terrestris); Pyronemataceae
Thelebolus zukalii Heimerl (1889), (= Trichobolus zukalii); Ascodesmidaceae

Pages: 1 of 23 records. TofP BofP