Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Tubaria ferruginea Maire ex E. Horak & P.-A. Moreau, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 120(1-4): 226 (2005) [2004]

Flammulaster ferrugineus Maire ex Watling [as 'ferruginea'], Notes R. bot. Gdn Edinb. 28(1): 66 (1967)
Flocculina ferruginea Maire ex P.D. Orton, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 43(2): 175 (1960)
Naucoria ferruginea Maire, in Kühner & Romagnese, Bull. Soc. nat. Oyonnax 10-11(Suppl., Mém. hors sér. 2): 5 (1957) [1956-57]
Naucoria ferruginea Maire, in Kühner & Romagnese, Fl. Analyt. Champ. Supér. (Paris): 239 (1953)

Phaeomarasmius ferrugineus Maire ex M.M. Moser, in Gams, Kl. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 3 (Stuttgart) 2b/2: 272 (1967)
Tubaria ferruginea Maire, in Kühner & Romagnese, Bull. Soc. nat. Oyonnax 10-11(Suppl., Mém. hors sér. 2): 6 (1957) [1956-57]

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2019)

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