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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat., Hyménomyc. Eur. (Paris): 123 (1887)

Agaricus lacrymabundus Bull., Herb. Fr. (Paris) 5: pl. 194 (1785)
Psathyra lacrymabunda (Bull.) P. Kumm., Führ. Pilzk. (Zerbst): 71 (1871)
Geophila lacrymabunda (Bull.) Quél., Enchir. fung. (Paris): 113 (1886)
Hypholoma lacrymabundum (Bull.) Sacc. [as 'lacrimabundum'], Syll. fung. (Abellini) 5: 1033 (1887)
Cortiniopsis lacrymabundus (Bull.) J. Schröt., in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien (Breslau) 3.1(33–40): 566 (1889)
Drosophila lacrymabunda (Bull.) Murrill, Mycologia 14(2): 67 (1922)
Psathyrella lacrymabunda (Bull.) M.M. Moser [as 'lacrimabunda'], in Gams, Kl. Krypt.-Fl. Mitteleuropa - Die Blätter- und Bauchpilze (Agaricales und Gastromycetes) (Stuttgart) 2: 207 (1953)
Psathyrella lacrymabunda (Bull.) M.M. Moser ex A.H. Sm. [as 'lacrimabunda'], Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn 24: 53 (1972)

Agaricus macrourus Pers., in Hoffmann, Naturgetr. Abbild. Beschr. Schwämme (Prague) 3: tab. [1] (1793)
Agaricus velutinus var. macrourus Pers., Syn. meth. fung. (Göttingen) 2: 410 (1801)

Agaricus velutinus Pers., Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 103 (1794)
Agaricus lacrymabundus ß velutinus (Pers.) Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 1: 288 (1821)
Coprinus velutinus (Pers.) Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. (London) 1: 633 (1821)
Agaricus lacrymabundus var. velutinus (Pers.) Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 1: 288 (1821)
Hypholoma velutinum (Pers.) P. Kumm., Führ. Pilzk. (Zerbst): 72 (1871)
Glyptospora velutina (Pers.) Fayod, Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 7 9: 410 (1889)
Lacrymaria velutina (Pers.) Konrad & Maubl., Révision des Hyménomycètes de France: 90 (1925)
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda var. velutina (Pers.) J.E. Lange, Fl. Agaric. Danic. 4: 72 (1939)
Psathyrella velutina (Pers.) Singer, Lilloa 22: 446 (1951)
Drosophila velutina (Pers.) Kühner & Romagn., Fl. Analyt. Champ. Supér. (Paris): 371 (1953)

Agaricus areolatus Klotzsch, in Smith, Engl. Fl., Fungi (Edn 2) (London) 5(2): 112 (1836)
Psilocybe areolata (Klotzsch) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 5: 1043 (1887)
Psilocybe cernua var. areolata (Klotzsch) Bres., Iconogr. Mycol. 18: 861 (1931)

Hypholoma aggregatum Peck, Ann. Rep. Reg. N.Y. St. Mus. 46: 106 (1894)
Psathyrella lacrymabunda var. aggregata (Peck) A.H. Sm., Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn 24: 54 (1972)

Hypholoma boughtonii Peck [as 'boughtoni'], Bull. N.Y. St. Mus. 139: 23 (1910)
Psathyrella velutina var. boughtonii (Peck) A.H. Sm. [as 'boughtoni'], Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn 24: 38 (1972)

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda f. gracillima J.E. Lange, Fl. Agaric. Danic. 4: 72 (1939)

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda var. olivacea Häffner, Rheinl.-Pfälz. Pilzj. 4(2): 105 (1995)

Position in classification:
Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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