Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [Next >>] of 983 records. TofP BofP Diaporthe ×hybrida S. Hilário & A. Alves (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe abdita Sacc. & Speg. (1878); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aberrans Speg. (1910); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe abnormis Höhn. (1917); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe abutilonis Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acaciae Tilak (1968); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acaciarum Crous & M.J. Wingf. (2014); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acaciigena Crous, Pascoe & Jacq. Edwards (2011); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acericola Dissan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acerigena C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acerina (Peck) Sacc. (1882); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aceris Nitschke ex Fuckel (1870), (= Diaporthe varians); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acervata (Ellis & Everh.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Planistromella acervata); Planistromellaceae Diaporthe actinidiae N.F. Sommer & Beraha (1975); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aculeans (Schwein.) Höhn. (1918), (= Synnemasporella aculeans); Synnemasporellaceae Diaporthe acus Cooke (1879); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acuta Y.S. Guo & G.P. Wang (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe acutispora Y.H. Gao & L. Cai (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl (1872); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aesculi (Fuckel) Höhn. (1918), (= Plagiostoma aesculi); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe aesculicola (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aestuarium Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aetoxici Speg. (1921); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe affinis (Sacc.) Sacc. (1882), (= Cryptodiaporthe affinis); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe affinis Voglino (1911), (= Chorostate voglinoana); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe africana Y. Marín & C. Lamb. (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe afzeliae Monkai & S. Lumyong (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ahmadii Wehm. (1964); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ailanthi Sacc. (1873), (= Diaporthe tuberculosa); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ailanthi var. megacerasphora Fairm. (1906), (= Diaporthe tuberculosa); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ailanthicola A. Pande & V.G. Rao (1991); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aitkeniae S.M. Thomps., R.G. Shivas & Y.P. Tan (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe alangii C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe albocarnis Ellis & Everh. (1893), (= Massarina albocarnis); Massarinaceae Diaporthe albosinensis C.M. Tian & Q. Yang (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe albovelata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1882), (= Synnemasporella aculeans); Synnemasporellaceae Diaporthe aliena Ellis & Everh. (1893), (= Asterella aliena); Astrosphaeriellaceae Diaporthe alleghaniensis R.H. Arnold (1967); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe alnea Fuckel (1867); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe amaranthi Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe amaranthophila (Inácio, Dianese & Carlos) Rossman & Udayanga (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ambigua Nitschke (1870), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe americana Speg. (1879); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe amygdali (Delacr.) Udayanga, Crous & K.D. Hyde (2012); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe anacardii (Early & Punith.) R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe androsaemi Feltgen (1903), (= Cenangium androsaemi); Cenangiaceae Diaporthe angelicae (Berk.) Wehm. (1933), (= Mazzantia angelicae); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe angustiapiculata Senan. (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe anhuiensis H. Zhou & C.L. Hou (2019); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe anisomera Sacc. & Scalia (1904); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe annellsiae Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe annonacearum (Bond.-Mont.) Rossman & Udayanga (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe annonae Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe antarctica Speg. (1887), (= Caudosporella antarctica); Harknessiaceae Diaporthe antonovae S.M. Thomps., R.G. Shivas & Y.P. Tan (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe apiculata Y.H. Gao, F. Liu & L. Cai (2016); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe apiculosa Ellis (1882), (= Diaporthopsis apiculosa); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe apiospora Ellis & Everh. (1893), (= Anisogramma apiospora); Diaporthales Diaporthe appendiculata G.H. Otth (1871), (= Prosthecium appendiculatum); Melanconidaceae Diaporthe aquatica D.M. Hu, L. Cai & K.D. Hyde (2012); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe araliae-chinensis S.Y. Wang, Yong Wang bis & Y. Li (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe araucanorum M. Zapata, M.A. Palma, M.J. Anninat & E. Piontelli (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke (1870); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arctii f. tanaceti Rehm (1883), (= Diaporthe arctii); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arctii var. achilleae Wehm. (1933), (= Diaporthe arctii); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arctii var. artemisiae Rehm (1896), (= Diaporthe arctii); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arecae (H.C. Srivast., Zakia & Govindar.) R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arengae R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe arezzoensis W.J. Li, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aristata (Fr.) P. Karst. (1873), (= Diaporthella aristata); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe artospora Dearn. & House (1919), (= Gnomonia artospora); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe aseana Dissan., Tangthir. & K.D. Hyde (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe asheicola L. Lombard & Crous (2014); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aspalathi E. Jansen, Castl. & Crous (2006), (= Diaporthe phaseolorum); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe asparagi (Fuckel) Fuckel (1870), (= Homostegia asparagi); Dothideomycetes Diaporthe asteriscina Speg. (1910); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe atlantica Toghueo, Vázqez de Aldana & Zabalgogeazcoa (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe atropuncta Peck (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aubertii (Westend.) Lambotte (1880), (= Cryptodiaporthe aubertii); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe aucubae Sacc. (1878); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe aucupariae Hazsl. (1893), (= Diaporthe impulsa); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe australafricana Crous & Van Niekerk (2005); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe australiana R.G. Shivas, Akinsanmi & Y.P. Tan (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe australpacifica Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe averrhoae (C.Q. Chang, Z.D. Jiang & P.K. Chi) Y.H. Gao & L. Cai (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe azadirachtae Udayanga & Castl. (2016); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe azevedoi L.O. Ferro, Souza-Motta & J.D.P. Bezerra (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe baccae L. Lombard, Polizzi & Crous (2014); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe baccharidis (Cooke) Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe sarothamni); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe baccharidis var. gallica Brunaud (1888), (= Diaporthe sarothamni); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bacilloides K. Petrović, Skaltsas & F.M. Mathew (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe badhamii (Curr.) Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bakeri Wehm. (1933); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bambusae Pat. (1897), (= Roussoella bambusae); Roussoellaceae Diaporthe baptisiae Rehm (1908); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe batatas Harter & E.C. Field (1912), (= Diaporthe phaseolorum); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bauhiniae C.M. Tian & Q. Yang (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bauhiniicola Ning Jiang & Y.Q. Zhu (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe beasleyi Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe beckhausii Nitschke (1870); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe beijingensis Y.Y. Zhou, W. Zhang & J.Y. Yan (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe beilharziae R.G. Shivas, Jacq. Edwards & Y.P. Tan (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe benedicti D.P. Lawr., Travadon & K. Baumgartner (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe berchemiae S.X. Zhou (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe berteroae S.M. Thomps., R.G. Shivas & Y.P. Tan (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe betulae C.M. Tian & X.L. Fan (2016); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe betuli (Pers.) G. Winter ex Jaap (1910), (= Diaporthe carpini); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe betulicola C.M. Tian & Z. Du (2016); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe betulina C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bicalcarata (Ces.) Niessl (1876), (= Frondispora bicalcarata); Amphisphaeriaceae Diaporthe bicincta (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Syd. (1926), (= Telimena bicincta); Telimenaceae Diaporthe biconispora F. Huang, K.D. Hyde & Hong Y. Li (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe biguttulata F. Huang, K.D. Hyde & Hong Y. Li (2015), (= Diaporthe pseudobiguttulata); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe biguttulata Y.H. Gao & L. Cai (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe binoculata (Ellis) Sacc. (1883), (= Hercospora binoculata); Lamproconiaceae Diaporthe binoculata var. clethrae Dearn. (1924), (= Hercospora binoculata); Lamproconiaceae Diaporthe binoculata var. magnoliae-acuminata Peck ex Sacc. (1895), (= Hercospora magnoliae-acuminatae); Lamproconiaceae Diaporthe bitorulosa (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1882), (= Wuestneia chrysostroma); Melanconidaceae Diaporthe blepharodes (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1882), (= Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe bloxamii (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Melanconis stilbostoma); Melanconidaceae Diaporthe boehmeriae Speg. (1912); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bohemiae Guarnaccia, Eichmeier & Crous (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bombacis Monkai & S. Lumyong (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bougainvilleicola (M.M. Xiang, Z.D. Jiang & P.K. Chi) Rossman & Udayanga (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe bounty Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brachyceras Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brachyceras var. viburni Rehm (1913), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brasiliensis R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brenckleana Sacc. (1920); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe breyniae Y. Marín & C. Lamb. (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brideliae L. Schweizer, C. Lamb. & Y. Marín (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe browniae Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe brumptoniae Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe butterlyi S.M. Thomps., R.G. Shivas & Y.P. Tan (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe buxi Feltgen (1903); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caatingaensis J.D.P. Bezerra, L.M. Paiva, G.A. Silva, Souza-Motta & Crous (2016); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caliensis Y. Marín (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe callicarpae Peck (1911); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe calosphaerioides Ellis & Everh. (1893), (= Cryptodiaporthe calosphaerioides); Gnomoniaceae Diaporthe camelliae-oleiferae Qin Yang (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe camelliae-sinensis S.T. Huang, J.W. Xia, X.G. Zhang & Z. Li (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cameroonensis L. Schweizer, C. Lamb. & Y. Marín (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe camporesii Manawasinghe & K.D. Hyde (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe camptothecae (C.Q. Chang, Z.D. Jiang & P.K. Chi) Y.H. Gao & L. Cai (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe camptothecicola C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe campylandrae Senan. (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe canthii Crous (2012); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe capsici Punith. (1981); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe careyae Monkai & S. Lumyong (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caricae-papayae (Petr. & Cif.) Rossman & Udayanga (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe carpini (Pers.) Fuckel (1870); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe carpini f. sordida (Nitschke) Petr. (1925), (= Diaporthe carpini); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe carpini var. quercina Rehm (1873), (= Diaporthe carpini); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe carpinicola Fuckel (1874), (= Melanconiella carpinicola); Melanconiellaceae Diaporthe carpinigera (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883), (= Melanconis carpinigera); Melanconidaceae Diaporthe carriae Y.P. Tan & R.G. Shivas (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caryae C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caryigena Ellis & Everh. (1903); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cassines Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe castanea (Tul. & C. Tul.) Sacc. (1882), (= Dendrostoma castaneum); Diaporthales Diaporthe castaneae-mollissimae (S.X. Jiang & H.B. Ma) Udayanga, Crous & K.D. Hyde (2012); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe casuarinae Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe catalpae Ellis & Everh. (1903); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe catamarcensis Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe catimbauensis L.O. Ferro, Souza-Motta & J.D.P. Bezerra (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe caulivora (Athow & Caldwell) J.M. Santos, Vrandečić & A.J.L. Phillips (2011), (= Diaporthe phaseolorum); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ceanothi Dearn. & House (1940); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe celastrina Ellis & Barthol. (1902); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe celata Sacc. (1917); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe celeris Guarnaccia, Woodhall & Crous (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe celticola C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe celtidis Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cerasi Fuckel (1871), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ceratozamiae Crous & R.G. Shivas (2011); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cercidis C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cerradensis Iantas, Noriler & Glienke (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cestri Speg. (1909); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ceuthosporoides (Berk.) Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe pardalota); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ceuthosporoides f. lauri-nobilis Pass. ex Sacc. (1886), (= Diaporthe pardalota); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chailletii Nitschke (1870); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chamaeropicola D.R.S. Pereira & A.J.L. Phillips (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chamaeropina Gaja (1911); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chamaeropis (Cooke) R.R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous (2013); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe changpingensis Y.K. Bai & X.L. Fan (2023); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chaotianensis A.L. Jia & X.L. Fan (2024); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe charlesworthii R.G. Shivas, S.M. Thomps. & Y.P. Tan (2015); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chensiensis C.M. Tian & Qin Yang (2018); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chiangmaiensis N.I. de Silva, Lumyong & K.D. Hyde (2022); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chiangraiensis Sennan & Hyde ex C. Norphanphoun & K.D. Hyde (2022), (= Diaporthe pseudobauhiniae); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chimonanthi (C.Q. Chang, M.M. Xiang & P.K. Chi) Y.H. Gao & L. Cai (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chinensis H. Dong, J.W. Xia & X.G. Zhang (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chinensis N.I. de Silva, Lumyong & K.D. Hyde (2021), (= Diaporthe xishuangbannaensis); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chionanthi Brunaud (1887); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chongqingensis Y.S. Guo & G.P. Wang (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chromolaenae Mapook & K.D. Hyde (2020); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe chrysalidocarpi S.T. Huang, J.W. Xia, W.X. Sun & X.G. Zhang (2021); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cichorii Dissan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe ciliaris (Curr.) Sacc. (1882), (= Diaporthe eres); Diaporthaceae Diaporthe cinerascens Sacc. (1882); Diaporthaceae
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [Next >>] of 983 records. TofP BofP